- darning-stitch
- [ʹdɑ:nıŋstıtʃ] n
1) штопальный шов2) штопальный стежок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Darning — Cashmere darn , a fine darning technique for twill fabric, from The Dictionary of Needlework, 1885 … Wikipedia
darning — darn·ing || dÉ‘Ënɪŋ n. articles that have been darned or need to be darned; act of mending with crisscrossing stitches dÉ‘Ën n. spot which has been darned, patch v. mend, stitch up torn or worn clothing; curse, damn adj. damn, cursed adv.… … English contemporary dictionary
Straight stitch — Straight or Flat stitch is a class of simple embroidery and sewing stitches in which individual stitches are made without crossing or looping the thread.Enthoven, Jacqueline: The Creative Stitches of Embroidery , Van Norstrand Rheinhold, 1964,… … Wikipedia
Running stitch — The running stitch or straight stitch is the basic stitch in hand sewing and embroidery, on which all other forms of sewing are based. The stitch is worked by passing the needle in and out of the fabric. Running stitches may be of varying length … Wikipedia
Cross-stitch — This article is about the embroidery style called cross stitch or counted cross stitch. For specific crossed stitches used in needlework, see cross stitches. Cross stitch sampler, Germany, 1735. Cross stitch is a popular form of counted thread… … Wikipedia
Chain stitch — For the technique used to shorten rope or cable for storage or while in use, see Chain sinnet. Traditional embroidery in chain stitch on a Kazakh rug, contemporary. Chain stitch is a sewing and embroidery technique in which a series of looped… … Wikipedia
Tent stitch — is a small, diagonal embroidery stitch that crosses over the intersection of one horizontal (weft) and one vertical (warp) thread of needlepoint canvas forming a slanted stitch at a 45 degree angle. It is also known as Needlepoint stitch and is… … Wikipedia
Drop-stitch knitting — is a knitting technique for producing open, vertical stripes in a garment. The basic idea is to knit a solid fabric, then (deliberately) drop one or more stitches (i.e., draw a loop out from the loop below it, and so on repeatedly), producing a… … Wikipedia
Mosaic stitch — Mosaic stitch. Mosaic stitch is the simplest diagonal stitch used in needlepoint. It is built up of cells of three stitches two short stitches flanking one long one. It is similar to Cushion stitch (or Scotch stitch) but has only 3 diagonals per… … Wikipedia
Nakshi Kantha — Traditional nakshi kantha Close view of a contempo … Wikipedia
Sewing — or stitching is the fastening of cloth, leather, furs, bark, or other flexible materials, using needle and thread. Its use is nearly universal among human populations and dates back to Paleolithic times (30,000 BC). Sewing predates the weaving of … Wikipedia