- damping-off
- [ʹdæmpıŋʹɒf] n
вымокание (растений)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Damping off — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Damping off o, marchitamiento fúngico, es el término usado para un número de diferentes fungi causantes de debilidad y marchitamiento que puede matar las semillas, las siembras, antes o después de germinar. El… … Wikipedia Español
damping-off — [dam′piŋ ôf′] n. a fungal disease of plants that causes young seedlings to decay and wither … English World dictionary
Damping off — Affected Abesmoschus esculentus sprout destroyed Damping off is the term used for a number of different fungus caused ailments that can kill seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate. The term is used most often in horticulture, where… … Wikipedia
damping-off — /dam ping awf , of /, n. Plant Pathol. a disease of seedlings, occurring either before or immediately after emerging from the soil, characterized by rotting of the stem at soil level and eventual collapse of the plant, caused by any of several… … Universalium
damping off fungus — noun fungus causing damping off disease in seedlings • Syn: ↑Pythium debaryanum • Hypernyms: ↑pythium … Useful english dictionary
damping off — the death of young seedlings as a result of a fungal infection in damp conditions. → damping … English new terms dictionary
damping-off — /ˌdæmpɪŋ ˈɒf/ (say .damping of) noun a disease of plants, especially seedlings, caused by various fungi, mainly Pythium debaryanum, which spread rapidly under conditions of excessive moisture …
damping-off — damp′ing off′ n. ppa a fungal disease of seedlings that causes rotting of the stem at soil level and collapse of the plant • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
damping-off — noun Date: 1890 a diseased condition of seedlings or cuttings caused by fungi and marked by wilting or rotting … New Collegiate Dictionary
damping off — Any of various diseases of seedlings caused by oomycete fungi, especially of the genus Pythium, that result in wilting and death … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
damping off — noun a plant disease caused by a fungus; diseased condition of seedlings in excessive moisture • Hypernyms: ↑plant disease … Useful english dictionary