Смотреть что такое "crockery-ware" в других словарях:
crockery — earthen vessels collectively, 1719 (in crockery ware); see CROCK (Cf. crock) + ERY (Cf. ery) … Etymology dictionary
ware — 1. adjective /wɛə,wɛr/ aware 2. noun /wɛə,wɛr/ a) A product that is bought or sold; a commodity. b) Crockery … Wiktionary
crockery — Synonyms and related words: adobe, biscuit, bisque, bowl, brick, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, crock, enamelware, firebrick, glass, jug, porcelain, pot, pottery, refractory, tile, tiling, urn, vase … Moby Thesaurus
crockery — n. Earthen ware … New dictionary of synonyms
crockery — n crocks, earthenware, clay ware, terra cotta, pottery, stoneware, ceramics, porcelain, china … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
willow ware — willow ware, crockery ware of a willow pattern … Useful english dictionary
China ware — China ware, chinaware chinaware . dishes made of china; porcelain; so called in the 17th century because brought from the far East, and differing from the pottery made in Europe at that time; also, loosely, crockery in general. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
earth|en|ware — «UR thuhn WAIR», noun, adjective. –n. 1. dishes or containers made of baked clay; crockery. Coarse pottery is earthenware. It is fired to a lower temperature than stoneware or porcelain. »Earthenware is made from purer, whiter clay than that used … Useful english dictionary
black pot — black pot, 1. a coarse Danish crockery ware exposed to dense smoke in baking as a substitute for glazing. 2. = blood pudding. (Cf. ↑blood pudding) … Useful english dictionary
Crown Lynn — was a New Zealand ceramics manufacturer. Contents 1 Early history 2 Government supply 3 Diversification of designs 4 Change of name to Ceramco … Wikipedia
Welsh dresser — A Welsh dresser on display in Bedford Museum A Welsh dresser (British English) or a china hutch (American English) and sometimes known as a kitchen dresser or pewter cupboard, is a piece of wooden furniture consisting of drawers and cupboards in… … Wikipedia