- cow-pox
- [ʹkaʋpɒks] n мед.
коровья оспа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cow-pox — [ kaopɔks; kopɔks ] n. m. inv. • v. 1828; angl. cow « vache » et pox « variole » ♦ Éruption qui se manifeste sur les trayons des vaches et qui contient le virus qui préserve de la variole. ⇒ vaccine. ● cow pox nom masculin invariable (anglais cow … Encyclopédie Universelle
cow|pox — «KOW POKS», noun. a contagious disease of cows causing small pustules on cows udders and teats; vaccinia. Cowpox is a virus disease. Vaccine for smallpox is obtained from cows that have cowpox … Useful english dictionary
cow pox — cow disease which contains a virus used in the vaccination of humans against small pox … English contemporary dictionary
cow-pox — n. Kine pox … New dictionary of synonyms
cow-pox — … Useful english dictionary
pox — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. smallpox, chicken pox, cow pox, variola, varicella, vaccinia; papules, maculas, vesicles, pus tules; acne, eruption, breaking out; pocks, pockmarks; curse (see imprecation). See disease. II (Roget s… … English dictionary for students
cowpox — cow·pox kau̇ .päks n a mild eruptive disease of the cow that is caused by a poxvirus of the genus Orthopoxvirus (species Cowpox virus) and that when communicated to humans protects against smallpox called also variola vaccinia * * * n. a virus… … Medical dictionary
cowpox — cow|pox [ kau,paks ] noun uncount a disease that affects cows. The blood of the sick cows was used in the past for making a VACCINE that prevented the serious disease SMALLPOX in people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cowpox — cow•pox [[t]ˈkaʊˌpɒks[/t]] n. vet a mild disease of cattle, now rare, characterized by a pustular rash on the teats and udder, caused by a poxvirus that was formerly used for smallpox vaccinations • Etymology: 1790–1800 … From formal English to slang
vaccine — [ vaksin ] n. f. • 1749; lat. méd. variola vaccina « variole de la vache » 1 ♦ Maladie infectieuse observée chez la vache (⇒ cow pox), le cheval, due à un virus morphologiquement identique au virus de la variole humaine, et dont l inoculation… … Encyclopédie Universelle
VARIOLE — Maladie infectieuse très contagieuse, due à un virus, la variole est depuis l’Antiquité considérée comme une affection redoutable, en raison de sa gravité (mortalité élevée, séquelles importantes). Le 8 mai 1980 la 33e Assemblée mondiale de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle