- corner-tooth
- [ʹkɔ:nə|tu:θ] n (pl -teeth [-{ʹkɔ:nə}ti:θ])
глазной зуб (у лошади)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Corner tooth — Corner Cor ner (k?r n?r), n. [OF. corniere, cornier, LL. cornerium, corneria, fr. L. cornu horn, end, point. See {Horn}.] 1. The point where two converging lines meet; an angle, either external or internal. [1913 Webster] 2. The space in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corner tooth — n one of the third or outer pair of incisor teeth of each jaw of a horse compare DIVIDER, NIPPER (2) * * * the third incisor on either side of each jaw in the horse. Called also corner … Medical dictionary
corner tooth — noun One of the four teeth which come in a horses mouth at the age of four years and a half, one on each side of the upper and of the lower jaw, between the middle teeth and the tushes … Wiktionary
corner tooth — noun : one of the third or outer pair of incisor teeth of each jaw of a horse … Useful english dictionary
Corner — Cor ner (k?r n?r), n. [OF. corniere, cornier, LL. cornerium, corneria, fr. L. cornu horn, end, point. See {Horn}.] 1. The point where two converging lines meet; an angle, either external or internal. [1913 Webster] 2. The space in the angle… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Corner stone — Corner Cor ner (k?r n?r), n. [OF. corniere, cornier, LL. cornerium, corneria, fr. L. cornu horn, end, point. See {Horn}.] 1. The point where two converging lines meet; an angle, either external or internal. [1913 Webster] 2. The space in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Corner — George W., U.S. anatomist, 1889–1981. See C. Allen test, C. Allen unit. Edred M., English surgeon, 1873–1950. See C. tampon. * * * cor·ner kȯ(r) nər n CORNER TOOTH * * * cor·ner (korґnər) corner tooth … Medical dictionary
Tooth and Co. — Tooth and Co. was the major brewer of beer in New South Wales, Australia. The company owned a large brewery on Broadway in Sydney from 1835 until 1985, known as the Kent Brewery. A listed company, (ASX Code: TTH) historically one of Australia’s… … Wikipedia
front tooth — A part or member of the body within the meaning of the offense of mayhem. High v State, 26 Tex App 545. Whether a corner tooth is a front tooth is a question of fact for the jury. High v State, 26 Tex App 545 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Chuck Versus the Tooth — Chuck episode Episode no. Season 3 Episode 16 Directed by Daisy von Scherler Mayer … Wikipedia
Large-tooth sawfish — Taxobox name = Large tooth sawfish status = CR | status system = IUCN3.1 trend = image width = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Chondrichthyes subclassis = Elasmobranchii ordo = Pristiformes familia = Pristidae genus = Pristis… … Wikipedia