coopt — see CO OPT (Cf. co opt) … Etymology dictionary
coopt — co|opt also co opt BrE [kəuˈɔpt US kouˈa:pt] v [T] formal [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: cooptare, from co ( CO ) + optare to choose ] 1.) BrE to make someone a member of a group, committee etc, by the agreement of all the members ▪ The… … Dictionary of contemporary English
coopt — co opt co opt , coopt co*[ o]pt , v. t. [See {Co[ o]ptate}. Cf. F. coopter.] To choose or elect in concert with another. [R.] [1913 Webster] Each of the hundred was to co[ o]pt three others. Jowett (Thucyd.). [1913 Webster] 2. To choose or elect… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coopt — also co opt verb (T) formal 1 to add someone to an organization such as a committee, sometimes against their will, by the agreement of all the other members: The Student s Union can have a maximum of 5 coopted members. | coopt sb onto/into sth:… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
coopt — cooptation, co optation, cooption, co option /koh op sheuhn/, n. cooptative, co optative /koh op teuh tiv/, cooptive, co optive, adj. /koh opt /, v.t. 1. to elect into a body by the votes of the existing members. 2. to assimilate, take, or win… … Universalium
coöpt — verb Spelling variant of co opt … Wiktionary
coopt — v. assimilate, take in; elect as member … English contemporary dictionary
COOPT — cooptandum … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
coopt — /koʊˈɒpt / (say koh opt) verb (t) 1. to elect into a body by the votes of the existing members. 2. to appoint by coercion. Also, co opt. {Latin cooptāre} –cooption /koʊˈɒpʃən/ (say koh opshuhn), cooptation, noun –cooptative, adjective …
coopt — cooptation, co optation, cooption, co option /koh op sheuhn/, n. cooptative, co optative /koh op teuh tiv/, cooptive, co optive, adj. /koh opt /, v.t. 1. to elect into a body by the votes of the existing members. 2. to assimilate, take, or win… … Useful english dictionary
co-opt — coopt co*[ o]pt , v. t. [See {Co[ o]ptate}. Cf. F. coopter.] To choose or elect in concert with another. [R.] [1913 Webster] Each of the hundred was to co[ o]pt three others. Jowett (Thucyd.). [1913 Webster] 2. To choose or elect as a colleague … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English