- convexo-concave
- [kən͵veksəʋkɒnʹkeıv] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Convexo-concave — Con*vex o con cave (?or ?), a. Convex on one side, and concave on the other. The curves of the convex and concave sides may be alike or may be different. See {Meniscus}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
convexo-concave — [kän vek΄sō kän kāv′, kənvek΄sō kän kāv′] adj. 1. convex on one side and concave on the other 2. Optics designating a lens whose convex face has a greater degree of curvature than its concave face, so that the lens is thickest in the middle … English World dictionary
convexo-concave — ● convexo concave, convexo concaves adjectif Se dit du profil de nombreux versants, façonnés dans une structure homogène, convexes dans leur partie supérieure et concaves à l aval … Encyclopédie Universelle
convexo-concave — bulging ulging adj. 1. curving or bulging outward. Opposite of {concave}. [Narrower terms: {biconvex, convexo convex, lenticular, lentiform}; {broken backed, hogged}; {convexo concave}; {gibbous, gibbose}; {planoconvex}] Also See: {protrusive}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
convexo-concave — /keuhn vek soh kon kayv /, adj. 1. concavo convex. 2. Optics. pertaining to or noting a lens in which the convex face has a greater degree of curvature than the concave face. [1685 95; CONVEXO + CONCAVE] * * * … Universalium
convexo-concave — concave on one side and convex on the other … English contemporary dictionary
convexo-concave lens — iškilai įgaubtas lęšis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. convexo concave lens vok. konvex konkave Linse, f rus. выпукло вогнутая линза, f pranc. lentille convexe concave, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
convexo-concave — a. convex on one side and concave on other. ♦ convexo convex, a., convex on both sides … Dictionary of difficult words
convexo-concave — con·vexo concave kən .vek (.)sō , kän adj 1) CONCAVO CONVEX 2) having the convex side of greater curvature than the concave … Medical dictionary
convexo-concave — adjective Date: 1693 1. concavo convex 2. having the convex side of greater curvature than the concave … New Collegiate Dictionary
convexo-concave — (kon vè kso kon ka v ) adj. Terme didactique. Qui est convexe d un côté et concave de l autre … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré