- compline
- [ʹkɒmplın,ʹkɒmpl(a)ın] n церк.
вечернее богослужение (у католиков)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Compline — ( /ˈkɒm … Wikipedia
Compline — • Scholarly essay on what is essentially a bedtime prayer, often recited privately Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Compline Complin … Catholic encyclopedia
Compline — Com pline, Complin Com plin, n. [From OE. complie, OF. complie, F. complies, pl., fr. LL. completa (prop. fem. of L. completus) the religious exercise which completes and closes the service of the day. See {Complete}.] (Eccl.) The last division… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
compline — the last canonical service of the day, early 13c., cumplie, compelin, from O.Fr. complie (12c.), from L. completa (hora), from completus (see COMPLETE (Cf. complete)); with unexplained n … Etymology dictionary
compline — or complin [käm′plən] n. [ME compli(n) < OFr complie < ML(Ec) completa (hora), completed (hour) < L completus: see COMPLETE] [often C ] the last of the seven canonical hours; night prayer: also complines or complins [com′plənz] … English World dictionary
Compline — The major hour of the divine office of the Roman Catholic rite sung before retiring for the night. A chanted compline begins with a versicle followed by three or four psalms (4, 31, 91, 134), each framed by the same antiphon (usually Miserere… … Historical dictionary of sacred music
compline — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Middle English compline, complie, from Anglo French cumplie, modification of Late Latin completa, from Latin, feminine of completus complete Date: 13th century the seventh and last of the canonical hours … New Collegiate Dictionary
compline — ; night prayer This word (from the Latin completus, meaning complete ) refers to the final set of daily prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours; compline or night prayer is usually recited or sung immediately before retiring … Glossary of theological terms
Compline Choir — The Compline Choir is a nationally acclaimed choral group that chants the Office of Compline every Sunday night, 9:30 P.M. Pacific time, at St. Mark s, Seattle in Seattle, WA, USA[1]. The Office of Compline is made up of sacred music including… … Wikipedia
compline — /kom plin, pluyn/, n. Eccles. the last of the seven canonical hours, or the service for it, originally occurring after the evening meal but now usually following immediately upon vespers. Also, complin /kom plin/. [1175 1225; ME comp(e)lin, equiv … Universalium
compline — noun the last of the canonical hours, sung just before retiring … Wiktionary