- commissar
- [͵kɒmıʹsɑ:] n русск.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Commissar — Commissär, Commissar, Commissär, Beauftragter, oder Beamter für ein besonderes Geschäft, z.B. Ablösungs , Unterpfandsbuch , Post C. etc. Commissariat, im Militärwesen ehemals der Ort, wo die Mundvorräthe für die Armee aufbewahrt wurden, Magazin;… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Commissär — (v. lat. Commissarius), 1) der einen Auftrag erhält, s. u. Commission 1); 2) Beamteter, wegen des von ihm zu besorgenden Geschäfts mit besonderen Beinamen, als Ablösungs , Grenz , Kammer , Marsch , Polizei , Post , Proviant , Kriegs C.; 3)… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
commissar — 1918, from Rus. komissar, from Ger. Kommissar commissioner, from French, ultimately from M.L. commissarius (see COMMISSARY (Cf. commissary)) … Etymology dictionary
commissar — ► NOUN ▪ a Communist official, especially in Soviet Russia or China, responsible for political education. ORIGIN Russian komissar, from Latin commissarius person in charge … English terms dictionary
commissar — [käm′ə sär΄] n. [Russ komissar < ML commissarius: see COMMISSARY] 1. the head of any of the former commissariats in the U.S.S.R.: in 1946, title changed to minister 2. a representative of the government or communist party in the U.S.S.R.,… … English World dictionary
Commissar — For other uses, see Commissar (film). Commissar is the English transliteration of an official title (Russian: комиссар) used in Russia from the time of Peter the Great. The title was used during the Provisional Government for regional heads of… … Wikipedia
commissar — n. a political commissar * * * a political commissar … Combinatory dictionary
Commissar (film) — Commissar Film poster (1987) Directed by Aleksandr Askoldov Written by Aleksandr Askoldov … Wikipedia
Commissar Shakespeare — (Komser Şekspir) Theatrical film poster Directed by Sinan Çetin Produce … Wikipedia
Commissar Order — An alleged Jewish Commissar in 1941; the photo was taken after he was captured and the original German archive caption claims He shot from ambush on our invading troops. The Commissar Order (German: Kommissarbefehl) was a written order given by … Wikipedia
Commissar (song) — Not to be confused with Der Kommissar (song). Commissar Single by Savatage from the album Poets and Madmen B side Drive Voyage Released … Wikipedia