
[ʹkʌlərəb(ə)l] a
1. поддающийся окраске
2. 1) кажущийся правдоподобным

colourable objection - возражение, представляющееся убедительным

2) удачный (о подделке)

colourable imitation - удачная имитация

3. мнимый, тайный, притворный

colourable piety - напускная набожность

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "colourable" в других словарях:

  • colourable — justifiable on the face of it. So lawyers speak of a colourable argument, case or warrant. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 …   Law dictionary

  • colourable — (Brit.) col·our·a·ble || kÊŒlÉ™rÉ™bl adj. able to be colored or painted (also colorable) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • colourable — adjective a) Apparently true; potentially justifiable. they told him their comming was for some extraordinary tooles and shift of apparell; by this colourable excuse, they obtained 6. or 7. more to their confederacie [...]. b) Deceptive, fake;… …   Wiktionary

  • colourable — (US colorable) adjective 1》 capable of being coloured. 2》 apparently correct or justified.     ↘counterfeit; pretended …   English new terms dictionary

  • colourable — /ˈkʌlərəbəl/ (say kuluhruhbuhl) adjective 1. capable of being coloured. 2. specious; plausible. 3. pretended; deceptive. Also, colorable. –colourability /kʌlərəˈbɪləti/ (say kuluhruh biluhtee), colourableness, noun –colourably, adverb …  

  • colourable — adj. (US colorable) 1 specious, plausible. 2 counterfeit. Derivatives: colourably adv …   Useful english dictionary

  • Doctrine of Colourability — The doctrine of colourability, in Canadian federalism, is the idea that when the legislature wants to do something that it cannot do within the constraints of the constitution, it colours the law with a substitute purpose which will still allow… …   Wikipedia

  • The Bachelors — Infobox musical artist Name =The Bachelors Img capt =Con Cluskey, John Stokes Dec Cluskey Img size = Landscape = Background =group or band Alias = Origin =Dublin, Ireland Instrument = Voice type = Genre =Country Music Harmony Occupation = Years… …   Wikipedia

  • Scientology in Australia — A protester, dressed as the Scientology character Xenu, stands next to a Scientology building in Sydney, Australia (2008) Scientology has existed in Australia since the mid 1950s. Their numbers vary depending upon the source: according to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Imaginary country — An imaginary country or fantasy country is often important in mail art, as it issues its own artistamps.It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between an imaginary country, which does not even attempt to make any colourable claim to… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of graph theory — Graph theory is a growing area in mathematical research, and has a large specialized vocabulary. Some authors use the same word with different meanings. Some authors use different words to mean the same thing. This page attempts to keep up with… …   Wikipedia

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