- colour-filter
- [ʹkʌlə͵fıltə] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
colour filter — noun (photography) A transparent material, usu coloured glass or gelatin, used to modify the light transmitted through a camera s lens, by absorbing or transmitting selectively certain colours or wavelengths • • • Main Entry: ↑colour … Useful english dictionary
colour filter — šviesos filtras statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Optinis įtaisas, iš baltos šviesos srauto išskiriantis tam tikro bangų ilgio spinduliuotę. atitikmenys: angl. color filter; colour filter; light filter rus. светофильтр … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
colour filter — spalvų filtras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. color filter; colour filter vok. Farbfilter, n rus. цветной фильтр, m pranc. filtre coloré, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
colour filter — /ˈkʌlə fɪltə/ (say kuluh filtuh) noun (in photography, etc.) a filter for modifying the reproduction of colours. Also, color filter …
colour screen — noun A colour filter • • • Main Entry: ↑colour … Useful english dictionary
Filter Forge — is a standalone application and plugin for Adobe Photoshop and compatible 8bf plugin hosts that allows users to apply programmable image processing filters and to define them with a visual node based filter editor. A similar approach is practiced … Wikipedia
Filter (optics) — Coloured and Neutral Density filters Optical filters are devices which selectively transmit light of different wavelengths, usually implemented as plane glass or plastic devices in the optical path which are either dyed in the mass or have… … Wikipedia
filter — filterer, n. /fil teuhr/, n. 1. any substance, as cloth, paper, porous porcelain, or a layer of charcoal or sand, through which liquid or gas is passed to remove suspended impurities or to recover solids. 2. any device, as a tank or tube,… … Universalium
colour — /kul euhr/, n., adj. v.t., v.i. Chiefly Brit. color. Usage. See or1. * * * I Aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, brightness, and saturation. It is associated with the visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which … Universalium
Colour cast — A colour cast is a tint of a particular colour, usually unwanted, which affects the whole of a photographic image evenly. Certain types of light can cause film and digital cameras to have a colour cast. In general, the human eye does not notice… … Wikipedia
Colour recovery — This article is about film colour recovery. For film colorization, see film colorization. For the Hewlett Packard technique, see HP Color recovery. Colour recovery (or colour restoration) is a process which can restore lost colour, specifically… … Wikipedia