
1. [kəʋʹɒp(ə)rətıv] n
1. 1) кооперативное общество
2) кооперативный магазин
3) сельскохозяйственный кооператив, коллективное хозяйство
2. член кооперативного общества, кооператор
3. 1) кооперативный дом
2) квартира в кооперативном доме, кооперативная квартира
2. [kəʋʹɒp(ə)rətıv] a
1. 1) совместный, объединённый
2) сотрудничающий; участвующий в совместной работе

the teacher thanked the pupils for being so co-operative - учитель похвалил школьников за то, что они так хорошо ему помогали

2. кооперативный

co-operative society - кооперативное общество

co-operative shop /store/ - кооперативный магазин, кооператив

co-operative farm - сельскохозяйственный кооператив; коллективное хозяйство

co-operative bank - кооперативный банк

co-operative movement - кооперативное движение

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "co-operative" в других словарях:

  • Operative Media — Operative Media, Inc. Type Corporation Industry Digital Advertising Founded 2000 Headquarters New York City, New York …   Wikipedia

  • Operative — Op er*a*tive, a. [Cf.L. operativus, F. op[ e]ratif.] 1. Having the power of acting; hence, exerting force, physical or moral; active in the production of effects; as, an operative motive; operative laws. [1913 Webster] It holds in all operative… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Operative temperature — (to) is defined as a uniform temperature of a radiantly black enclosure in which an occupant would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as in the actual nonuniform environment.[1] Some references also use the terms… …   Wikipedia

  • Operative — may refer to: Political operative or campaign staff The Operative, a character from the television series Firefly The Operative: No One Lives Forever, a 2000 video game Operative Media, an advertising company, founded 2000 See also Agent… …   Wikipedia

  • Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association — of the United States and Canada Founded July 21, 1864 Country United States and Canada Affiliation AFL– …   Wikipedia

  • operative mistake — ˌoperative misˈtake noun [countable] LAW a mistake in a contract that is so serious that it means that the contract has no legal effect * * * operative mistake UK US noun [C] LAW ► a mistake in a contract that is serious enough to prevent the… …   Financial and business terms

  • operative — I adjective acting, active, adequate, advantageous, ample, applicable, at work, beneficial, capable, competent, effective, effectual, efficax, efficient, employed, fruitful, functional, functioning, helpful, in action, in effect, in force, in… …   Law dictionary

  • operative# — operative adj *active, dynamic, live Analogous words: *effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient: *fertile, fecund, fruitful Antonyms: abeyant operative n mechanic, artisan, hand, workman, working man, *worker, laborer, craftsman,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • operative — [äp′ə rə tiv΄, äp′ə rāt΄iv] adj. [Fr opératif < LL(Ec) operativus] 1. capable of, characterized by, or in operation 2. a) accomplishing what is desired; effective b) of primary importance; key; essential [the operative word in a sentence] 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • Operative — Op er*a*tive, n. 1. A skilled worker; an artisan; esp., one who operates a machine in a mill or manufactory. [1913 Webster] 2. One who acts as an agent of another, especially a detective or spy. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Operative Gruppe — bezeichnet: eine vorübergehende militärische Einsatztruppe; siehe Task Force (Militär) eine vorübergehende polizeiliche Einsatztruppe; siehe Organisation der Polizei eine Technik der Gruppenkoordination in der angewandten Sozialpsychologie; siehe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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