- Clementine
- [ʹkleməntaın] n
Клементайн, Клементин; Клементина (женское имя)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
clémentine — [ klemɑ̃tin ] n. f. • 1902; du nom du père Clément ♦ Fruit du clémentinier, voisin de la mandarine, à peau fine. Clémentine sans pépins. Clémentines d Espagne, de Corse. ● clémentine nom féminin (de Clément, nom propre) Fruit du clémentinier,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Clementine — oder Klementine steht für: Clementine (Vorname), ein weiblicher Vorname Clementine (Frucht), eine Zitruspflanze Clementine (Sonde), eine US amerikanische Raumsonde eine deutsche Ariel Werbefigur, siehe Johanna König (Schauspielerin) Clementine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Clementine — (Гармиш Партенкирхен,Германия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Höllentalstr 44, 82467 Гармиш Пар … Каталог отелей
Clementine — может означать: Клементин (лат. Citrus clementina) гибрид мандарина и апельсина королька из подвида bigarage, созданный в 1902 году французским священником и селекционером отцом Клеманом Clementine свободный… … Википедия
clementine — (n.) cross between tangerine and sour orange, 1926, from Fr. clémentine (1902). Originally an accidental hybrid said to have been discovered by (and named for) Father Clement Rodier in the garden of his orphanage in Misserghin, near Oran, Algeria … Etymology dictionary
Clementine — Clem ent*ine, a. Of or pertaining to Clement, esp. to St. Clement of Rome and the spurious homilies attributed to him, or to Pope Clement V. and his compilations of canon law. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clementine — (v. lat., Taufname, die Sanfte, Geduldige), Caroline Leopoldine Clotilde, Prinzessin von Orleans, Tochter des verstorbenen Königs Ludwig Philipp, geb. am 3. Juni 1817 u. seit 20. April 1843 mit dem Herzog Angust von Sachsen Koburg Gotha vermählt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Clementine — f English: feminine form of CLEMENT (SEE Clement), created with the French feminine diminutive suffix ine. The name was first used in the 19th century, and for a time it was very popular. It is now largely associated with the popular song with… … First names dictionary
clementine — ► NOUN ▪ a deep orange red variety of tangerine grown around the Mediterranean and in South Africa. ORIGIN French, from the male given name Clément … English terms dictionary
Clementine — [Clem΄entē′nəklem′ən tīn΄, klem′əntēn΄] n. [Fr < L Clemens: see CLEMENT1] a feminine name: also Clementina [Clem΄entē′nə] … English World dictionary
Clémentine — This article is about the French TV series. For the French singer songwriter, see Clémentine (musician). For other uses, see Clementine (disambiguation). Clémentine (pronounced [klemɑ̃tin]) was a 1985 French animated television series (in co… … Wikipedia