
[ʹklɑ:slıst] n
1. список учащихся (школьников, студентов)
2. унив.
1) список выпускников, получивших дипломы с отличием
2) список учащихся в соответствии с полученными оценками
3. систематический список, перечень

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "class-list" в других словарях:

  • class list — noun a list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours they achieved in their degree examinations • Syn: ↑honours list • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of prestige classes — This is a list of prestige classes in the 3rd edition of the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game. This list includes content for both the original 3rd edition and the 3.5 revision. Nearly every official supplement source book and most issues… …   Wikipedia

  • List of cricket grounds in Kenya — This is a list of cricket grounds in Kenya. Following initial colonisation by the Portuguese, Kenya gradually came under influence of the British Empire in the latter part of the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. Cricket was …   Wikipedia

  • List of Springfield Elementary School students — This is a list of the students who attend the fictional Springfield Elementary School from The Simpsons. Springfield Elementary is shown to have many under achieving students, with the exception of a few students, such as Lisa Simpson, Martin… …   Wikipedia

  • List of German Navy ship classes — This is a list of naval ship classes that were in service with the Bundesmarine (navy of West Germany) or are still in service with the Deutsche Marine (navy of reunited Germany). Some projects, that were not built or future designs are also… …   Wikipedia

  • class — n. & v. n. 1 any set of persons or things grouped together, or graded or differentiated from others esp. by quality (first class; economy class). 2 a a division or order of society (upper class; professional classes). b a caste system, a system… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Class (computer programming) — In object oriented programming, a class is a construct that is used as a blueprint to create instances of itself – referred to as class instances, class objects, instance objects or simply objects. A class defines constituent members which enable …   Wikipedia

  • List of domestic cricket competitions in 2005–06 — This is a list of all first class, list A and Twenty20 Cup competitions in Test countries. The dates are those of the 2005 ndash;06 season.13 April ndash;24 September: County Championship (FC), two divisions, England 17 April ndash;25 September:… …   Wikipedia

  • List of cricket commentators — This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. This is a list of media commentators and writers on the sport of cricket. A number of famous players have had a second career as writers or commentators. However, many commentators never… …   Wikipedia

  • List of algorithm general topics — This is a list of algorithm general topics, by Wikipedia page. * Analysis of algorithms * Ant colony algorithm * Approximation algorithm * Best and worst cases * Big O notation * Combinatorial search * Competitive analysis * Computability theory… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Northamptonshire County Cricket Club seasons — This is a list of seasons played by Northamptonshire County Cricket Club in English cricket, from the club s formation to the most recent completed season. It details the club s achievements in major competitions, and the top run scorers and… …   Wikipedia

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