- chrisom-robe
- [ʹkrız(ə)m|klɒθ,-{ʹkrız(ə)m}rəʋb] = chrisom 1, 1)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
chrisom — [kriz′əm] n. [ME crisom (var. of crisme, CHRISM), orig., cloth to keep chrism off the face] 1. a white cloth or robe formerly put on a baby at baptism as a symbol of innocence: it was used as a shroud if the child died within a month of birth 2.… … English World dictionary
chrisom — [ krɪz(ə)m] (also chrisom cloth) noun historical a white robe put on a child at baptism, and used as its shroud if it died within the month. Origin ME: alt. of chrism, representing a popular pronunciation … English new terms dictionary
chrisom — n. 1 = CHRISM. 2 (in full chrisom cloth) hist. a white robe put on a child at baptism, and used as its shroud if it died within the month. Etymology: ME, as pop. pronunc. of CHRISM … Useful english dictionary
chrisom — noun Etymology: Middle English crisom, short for crisom cloth, from crisom chrism + cloth Date: 13th century a white cloth or robe put on a person at baptism as a symbol of innocence … New Collegiate Dictionary
chrisom — /kriz euhm/, n. 1. chrism. 2. a white cloth or robe put on a person at baptism to signify innocence. [1400 50; late ME krysom, crysum, var. of CHRISM] * * * … Universalium
chrisom — white robe put on newly baptised child Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
chrisom — chris•om [[t]ˈkrɪz əm[/t]] n. 1) rel chrism 2) rel a white cloth or robe put on a person at baptism to signify innocence • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME krysom, crysum, var. of chrism … From formal English to slang
chrisom — /ˈkrɪzəm/ (say krizuhm) noun 1. Rare → chrism. 2. Obsolete a white cloth or robe formerly put on a child at baptism, and also at burial if the child died soon after baptism. {variant of chrism} …
baptism — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. immersion, dedication, Christening, ablution, initiation, lustration, ritual, rite, baptismal regeneration, rebirth, sprinkling, infant baptism, dunking*; see also sacrament 1 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. initiation,… … English dictionary for students
chrism — oil mingled with balm, O.E. chrisma, from Church L. chrisma, from Gk. khrisma an unguent, anointing, unction, from khriein to anoint, from PIE root *ghrei to rub. Chrisom baptismal robe, is a c.1200 variant of this … Etymology dictionary