- check-rein
- [ʹtʃekreın] n
мартингал (в верховой езде)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
check|rein — «CHEHK RAYN», noun. 1. a short rein attached to the saddle or to the harness to keep a horse from lowering its head; bearing rein. 2. a short rein connecting the bit of one of a team of horses to the driving rein of the other; check line. 3.… … Useful english dictionary
check rein — /ˈtʃɛk reɪn/ (say chek rayn) noun 1. a short rein joining the bit of one of a span of horses to the driving rein of the other. 2. → bearing rein …
check rein — noun a bearing rein … English new terms dictionary
check rein — n. a bearing rein … Useful english dictionary
check — 1. v., n., & int. v. 1 tr. (also absol.) a examine the accuracy, quality, or condition of. b (often foll. by that + clause) make sure; verify; establish to one s satisfaction (checked that the doors were locked; checked the train times). 2 tr. a… … Useful english dictionary
Rein — Rein, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reined} (r?nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reining}.] 1. To govern or direct with the reins; as, to rein a horse one way or another. [1913 Webster] He mounts and reins his horse. Chapman. [1913 Webster] 2. To restrain; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rein — ► NOUN 1) a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse s bit, used in pairs to guide or check a horse. 2) (reins) the power to direct and control. ► VERB 1) check or guide (a horse) by pulling on its reins. 2) (often rein in/back) restrain … English terms dictionary
check — [n1] inspection, examination analysis, audit, checkup, control, inquiry, investigation, poll, rein, research, review, scrutiny, test; concept 103 check [n2] restraint, hindrance blow, constraint, control, curb, damper, disappointment, frustration … New thesaurus
rein — [rān] n. [ME rene < OFr resne < VL * retina < L retinere: see RETAIN] 1. a narrow strap of leather attached to each end of the bit in the mouth of a horse, and held by the rider or driver to control the animal usually used in pl.: see… … English World dictionary
check — n 1: something that limits or restrains see also checks and balances 2: a written order signed by its maker directing a bank to pay a specified sum to a named person or to that person s order on demand see also negotiable instrument compa … Law dictionary
rein — [n] restraint, control bit, brake, bridle, check, curb, deterrent, governor, halter, harness, hold, line, restriction, strap; concept 499 rein [v] restrain, control bridle, check, collect, compose, cool, curb, halt, hold, hold back, limit,… … New thesaurus