
[bɒʹni:tə] = bonito

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bonetta" в других словарях:

  • Bonetta — Bo*net ta, n. See {Bonito}. Sir T. Herbert. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bonetta — variant of bonito …   Useful english dictionary

  • bonetta — bo·nét·ta s.f. OB bisaccia {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1296. ETIMO: dal lat. mediev. bonēta(m) copricapo, stoffa per fare berretti , prob. der. di abonnis, forse di orig. germ …   Dizionario italiano

  • Sara Forbes Bonetta — photographed by Camille Silvy in 1862 Sara Forbes Bonetta was a West African Egbado Omoba who was orphaned in inter tribal warfare at the age of eight. Intended to be a human sacrifice, she was rescued by Captain Frederick E. Forbes of the Royal… …   Wikipedia

  • List of corvette and sloop classes of the Royal Navy — This is a list of corvette and sloop classes of the Royal Navy. The term corvette was not introduced into the Royal Navy until the 1830s, and at that time its use replaced both the larger sloops and also what had previously been categorised… …   Wikipedia

  • John King (pirate) — John King (c. 1708 ndash;April 26, 1717) was an 18th century pirate. He joined the crew of Samuel Black Sam Bellamy while still a juvenile, and is the youngest known pirate on record.On November 9, 1716, Bellamy and his crew, sailing the sloop… …   Wikipedia

  • B class destroyer (1913) — The B class as designated in 1913 was a heterogeneous group of torpedo boat destroyers (TBDs) built for the Royal Navy in the late 1890s. They were constructed to the individual designs of their builders to meet Admiralty specifications, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Diego González — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Diego González (desambiguación). Diego González Información personal Nombre real Diego Andrés González Bonetta Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • bonetto — 1bo·nét·to s.m. OB berretto | nel XVIII sec., copricapo femminile che ornava complicate acconciature {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1466. ETIMO: dal fr. bonnet, der. del lat. mediev. abonnis, v. anche bonetta. 2bo·nét·to s.m. OB TS milit. piccolo… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Ghezo — ), considered one of the greatest of the twelve historical kings. He ruled from 1818 to 1858. His name before ascending to the throne was Gakpe.Ghezo s symbols are two birds on a tree, a buffalo, and a clay jar sieve with holes in it held by two… …   Wikipedia

  • Egbado — tribe (or now Yewa, a sub group of the larger Yoruba people), inhabit the eastern area of Ogun West Senatorial District, Ogun State, in south west Nigeria, Africa. In 1995 they changed their name to the Yewa.HistoryThe Egbado appear to have… …   Wikipedia

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