- catchpole
- [ʹkætʃpəʋl] n
судебный пристав; судебный исполнитель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Catchpole — is a rare surname derived from a law enforcement implement found in medieval England. The catchpole usually consisted of an eight foot wooden pole with some sort of noose or barbed fork on one end. Law enforcement officers (usually the Sheriff)… … Wikipedia
catchpole — or catchpoll [kach′pōl΄] n. [ME cacchepol & Late OE cæcepol, tax gatherer < Anglo Fr cache pol, lit., chicken chaser < ML cacepollus < * cacere (< VL * captiare: see CATCH) + L pullus, fowl: see POULTRY] [Brit. Historical] a sheriff s … English World dictionary
Catchpole — This curious surname, chiefly found in East Anglia, is of Old French origin, and derives from the Old French chacepol , Old Norman French cachepol (in medieval Latin chassipullus ) meaning chase fowl . The name was originally occupational for a… … Surnames reference
CATCHPOLE, Margaret (1762-1819) — adventuress was born at Nacton, Suffolk, on 14 March 1762. Her father, Jonathan Catchpole, was a head ploughman. When little more than a child she rode bareback into Ipswich to obtain a doctor, guiding the horse with a halter. She went out to… … Dictionary of Australian Biography
catchpole — or catchpoll noun Etymology: Middle English cacchepol, from Anglo French cachepole, literally, chicken chaser, from cacher + pol chicken, from Latin pullus more at catch, pullet Date: before 12th century a sheriff s deputy; especially one who… … New Collegiate Dictionary
catchpole — catchpolery, catchpollery, n. /kach pohl /, n. (formerly) a petty officer of justice, esp. one arresting persons for debt. Also, catchpoll. [bef. 1050; ME cacchepol, late OE caecephol < ML cacepollus tax gatherer, lit., chase fowl, equiv. to cace … Universalium
catchpole — noun /ˈkatʃpəʊl/ a) A sheriff’s officer, usually one who arrests debtors. The use of the catch pole is said to have been to take horsemen in battle by the neck and drag them from their horses. b) An implement formerly used for seizing and… … Wiktionary
catchpole — n. law enforcement clerk, deputy of a sheriff who arrests persons for debt (Archaic) … English contemporary dictionary
catchpole — catch·pole … English syllables
catchpole — catch•pole or catch•poll [[t]ˈkætʃˌpoʊl[/t]] n. gov (formerly) a petty officer of justice, esp. one arresting persons for debt • Etymology: bef. 1050; ME cacchepol, late OE cæcephol < ML cacepollus tax gatherer, lit., chase fowl =cace (<… … From formal English to slang
Catchpole — /ˈkætʃpoʊl/ (say kachpohl) noun 1. Kenneth, born 1939, Australian Rugby Union Test player. 2. Margaret, 1762–1819, Australian convict and pioneer settler, born in England …