- case-harden
- [ʹkeıs͵hɑ:dn] v
1. делать нечувствительным, ожесточать2. тех. цементировать (сталь)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
case-harden — caseˈ harden transitive verb 1. To harden on the surface, as by carbonizing iron (metallurgy) 2. To make callous or insensitive through previous experience • • • Main Entry: ↑case … Useful english dictionary
case harden — verb Etymology: case (II) (covering) + harden transitive verb 1. : to harden (a ferrous alloy) so that the surface layer is made considerably harder than the interior (as by carburizing and quenching, cyaniding, carbonitriding, or nitriding) … Useful english dictionary
case-harden — transitive verb Date: 1677 1. to harden (a ferrous alloy) so that the surface layer is harder than the interior 2. to make callous or insensible • case hardened adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
case-harden — verb 1》 harden the surface of (a material). 2》 [as adjective case hardened] made callous or tough by experience … English new terms dictionary
case-harden — /keɪs ˈhadn/ (say kays hahdn) verb (t) 1. Metallurgy to make hard the outside surface of alloys having an iron base, leaving the interior tough and ductile by carburising, cyanide hardening, or nitriding and suitable heat treatment. 2. to harden… …
case harden — verb To impart greater hardness to the surface of a piece of metal … Wiktionary
Case-harden — Повышать прочность (напр. стального штампа после длительного пользования) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
case harden — The action of hardening the surface of steel … Dictionary of automotive terms
Case hardening — or surface hardening is the process of hardening the surface of a metal, often a low carbon steel, by infusing elements into the material s surface, forming a thin layer of a harder alloy. Case hardening is usually done after the part in question … Wikipedia
harden — [v1] make or become solid amalgamate, anneal, bake, brace, buttress, cake, calcify, callous, cement, close, clot, coagulate, compact, congeal, consolidate, contract, crystallize, curdle, densify, dry, firm, fix, fortify, fossilize, freeze, gird,… … New thesaurus
case — 1. n. 1 an instance of something occurring. 2 a state of affairs, hypothetical or actual. 3 a an instance of a person receiving professional guidance, e.g. from a doctor or social worker. b this person or the circumstances involved. 4 a matter… … Useful english dictionary