- bondage
- [ʹbɒndıdʒ] n
1) рабство; крепостное состояние2) зависимость, кабала
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bondage — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bondage … Wikipedia Español
Bondage — may refer to:*Debt bondage, a modern form of slavery in which people are bound by debt, rather than legal ownership *Bondage (BDSM), the practice of tying people up for pleasure *Self bondage, the practice of tying oneself up just for fun or for… … Wikipedia
bondage — [ bɔ̃daʒ ] n. m. • 1986; de l angl. amér. boundage « lien » ♦ Pratique sexuelle sadomasochiste dans laquelle un des partenaires est attaché. « culte du corps, très hard, pantalons et vestes de cuir, chaînes, bondages; S. M. et le reste »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bondage — Bond age, n. [LL. bondagium. See {Bond}, a.] [1913 Webster] 1. The state of being bound; condition of being under restraint; restraint of personal liberty by compulsion; involuntary servitude; slavery; captivity. [1913 Webster] The King, when he… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bondage — I noun abject slavery, arrest, bond of slavery, bonds, captivity, chains, coarctation, compulsory service, confinement, constraint, constraint by force, custodianship, custody, detention, durance, enslavement, entombment, fetters, forced… … Law dictionary
bondage — c.1300, condition of a serf or slave, from Anglo L. bondagium, from M.E. bond a serf, tenant farmer, from O.E. bonda householder, from O.N. boandi free born farmer, noun use of prp. of boa dwell, prepare, inhabit, from PIE *bhow , from root… … Etymology dictionary
bondage — *servitude, slavery … New Dictionary of Synonyms
bondage — [n] slavery chains, enslavement, helotry, peonage, serfage, serfdom, servility, servitude, subjection, subjugation, thrall, thralldom, villenage, yoke; concepts 136,652 Ant. freedom, independence … New thesaurus
bondage — ► NOUN 1) the state of being a slave or feudal serf. 2) sexual practice that involves the tying up or restraining of one partner. ORIGIN from obsolete bond «serf»; influenced by BOND(Cf. ↑bond) … English terms dictionary
bondage — [bän′dij] n. [ME < Anglo L bondagium < OE bonda < ON bonde, orig. prp. of bua, to prepare, inhabit, akin to Ger bauen, to build < IE base * bheu , to grow, develop > BE, Sans bhū , earth, Gr phyein, to grow] 1. serfdom or slavery 2 … English World dictionary
Bondage — Modell gefesselt mit Hüftkette, Hand und Daumenschellen Der aus dem Englischen stammende Begriff Bondage [ˈbɒndɪdʒ] bedeutet unter anderem Unfreiheit oder Knechtschaft und bezeichnet innerhalb der BDSM Szene Praktiken zur Fesselung … Deutsch Wikipedia