Смотреть что такое "cancer-inducing" в других словарях:
cancer-inducing virus — oncovirus … Medical dictionary
Cancer Du Sein — Classification et ressources externes CIM 10 C50 CIM 9 174 ♀ 175 ♂ … Wikipédia en Français
Cancer du sein — Classification et ressources externes Mammographie montrant un cancer du sein à droite. CIM 10 … Wikipédia en Français
Cancer bacteria — (not viruses) are infectious organisms which are known, or suspected of causing cancer. While cancer associated bacteria have long been considered to be opportunistic (i.e., infecting healthy tissues after cancer has already established itself),… … Wikipedia
Cancer immunology — is the study of interactions between the immune system and cancer cells (also called tumors or malignancies). It is also a growing field of research that aims to discover innovative cancer immunotherapies to treat and retard progression of this… … Wikipedia
Cancer vaccine — The term cancer vaccine refers to a vaccine that either prevents infections with cancer causing viruses, treats existing cancer or prevents the development of cancer in certain high risk individuals. (The ones that treat existing cancer are known … Wikipedia
Cancer pain — Pain is a symptom frequently associated with cancer. Cancer can cause pain by irritating or damaging nerves, by stimulating nociceptors (pain sensitive nerve fibers), or by releasing chemicals that make nociceptors respond to normally non painful … Wikipedia
Deleted in Colorectal Cancer — Deleted in colorectal carcinoma Rendering based on PDB 2ED7 … Wikipedia
Metastatic breast cancer — is a stage of breast cancer where the disease has spread to distant metastases. It is a complication of primary breast cancer, usually occurring several years after resection of the primary breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer cells frequently … Wikipedia
Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand — Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 281 Aminosäure … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mule spinners' cancer — or Mule spinners cancer was a cancer, an epithelioma of the scrotum. It was first reported in 1887 in a cotton mule spinner.[1] In 1926 a British Home Office committee strongly favoured the view that this form of cancer was caused by the… … Wikipedia