- cam-shaft
- [ʹkæmʃɑ:ft] n тех.
распределительный вал, кулачковый валик
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cam|shaft — «KAM SHAFT, SHAHFT», noun. a rod or shaft on which a cam is fastened, such as one in an internal combustion engine by which the valves of the cylinders are opened and closed … Useful english dictionary
cam·shaft — /ˈkæmˌʃæft, Brit ˈkæmˌʃɑːft/ noun, pl shafts [count] technical : a metal shaft or bar to which a cam is attached … Useful english dictionary
cam-wheel — camˈshaft or camˈ wheel noun A shaft or wheel bearing a cam or cams • • • Main Entry: ↑cam * * * cam wheel see cam … Useful english dictionary
shaft — [shaft, shäft] n. [ME schaft < OE sceaft, akin to Ger schaft < IE base * (s)kap , to cut with a sharp tool > SHAVE, Gr skapos, rod, L scapus, shaft, stalk] 1. a) the long stem or body of an arrow or spear b) an arrow or spear 2. a… … English World dictionary
cam — [kam] n. [Du cam, orig., COMB1] a moving piece of machinery, as a wheel or projection on a wheel, that gives an eccentric rotation or a reciprocating motion to another wheel, a roller, a shaft, etc., or that receives such motion from it … English World dictionary
cam gear — n. a gear not centered on the shaft, used where discontinuous action is required * * * … Universalium
cam gear — n. a gear not centered on the shaft, used where discontinuous action is required … English World dictionary
Feeder cam shaft gear — Шестерня главного вала самонаклада … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Feeder cam shaft — Кулачковый [главный] вал самонаклада … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Cam timer — A cam timer is an electromechanical system for controlling a sequence of events automatically.DescriptionAn electric motor drives, through a reduction gearbox, a shaft on which is arranged a series of cams. Associated with each cam is one or more … Wikipedia
Cam — A cam is a projecting part of a rotating wheel or shaft that strikes a lever at one or more points on its circular path. The cam can be a simple tooth, as is used to deliver pulses of power to a steam hammer, for example, or an eccentric disc or… … Wikipedia