Смотреть что такое "calves-foot" в других словарях:
calves’-foot jelly — calves’ˈ foot jelly noun A savoury jelly made from the gelatine produced by boiling the foot of a calf ● calf … Useful english dictionary
calves'-foot jelly — calf sˈ foot jelly or calves’ˈ foot jelly noun A savoury jelly made from the gelatine produced by boiling the foot of a calf • • • Main Entry: ↑calf … Useful english dictionary
calves-foot — … Useful english dictionary
Calves — Calf Calf, n.; pl. {Calves}. [OE. calf, kelf, AS. cealf; akin to D. kalf, G. kalb, Icel. k[=a]lfr, Sw. kalf, Dan. kalv, Goth. kalb[=o]; cf. Skr. garbha fetus, young, Gr. ?????, Skr grabh to seize, conceive, Ir. colpa, colpach, a calf. [root]222.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Foot sweep — The foot sweep (also footsweep) is a move in many different styles of martial arts. It is used to trip an opponent. Foot sweeps are commonly used in Tang Soo Do, karate, and jujutsu. In addition, many closer sweeps like the Trap Sweep and Two Leg … Wikipedia
foot-and-mouth disease — noun A highly contagious and sometimes fatal viral disease that can affect animals with cloven hooves. So Joe starts telling the citizen about the foot and mouth disease and the cattle traders and taking action in the matter and the citizen… … Wiktionary
calf's-foot jelly — noun a savory jelly made with gelatin obtained by boiling calves feet • Hypernyms: ↑gelatin, ↑jelly * * * vzˌ , fˌs noun : jelly made from gelatin obtained by boiling calves feet * * * /kavz foot , kahvz , kafs , kahfs / jelly made from the stock … Useful english dictionary
Japan foot-and-mouth outbreak — Municipalities where FMD was identified. Light yellow: April 23, dark yellow: April 27, orange: May 15, light brown: May 17, dark brown: May 21, black: June 9. The Japan foot and mouth outbreak was an foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak… … Wikipedia
Calf's-foot jelly — Calf Calf, n.; pl. {Calves}. [OE. calf, kelf, AS. cealf; akin to D. kalf, G. kalb, Icel. k[=a]lfr, Sw. kalf, Dan. kalv, Goth. kalb[=o]; cf. Skr. garbha fetus, young, Gr. ?????, Skr grabh to seize, conceive, Ir. colpa, colpach, a calf. [root]222.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calf's-foot jelly — [kafs′foot΄] n. an edible gelatin made by boiling calves feet … English World dictionary
calf's-foot jelly — /kavz foot , kahvz , kafs , kahfs / jelly made from the stock of boiled calves feet. [1765 75] * * * … Universalium