
[ʹbʌtndaʋn] a
1. застёгивающийся на пуговицы (донизу)

button-down dress - платье на пуговицах

button-down collar - воротничок, концы которого пристёгиваются к рубашке

2. 1) сдержанный; воспитанный; выдержанный, невозмутимый
2) консервативный; лишённый воображения

button-down minds - ограниченные умы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "button-down" в других словарях:

  • button-down — ˈbutton down also ˈbuttoned down adjective [only before a noun] a button down company or style is formal and traditional: • Wearing cowboy boots and open necked shirts, he did not fit in with the button down culture of IBM. * * * button down UK… …   Financial and business terms

  • button-down — adj [only before noun] 1.) a button down shirt or collar has the ends of the collar fastened to the shirt with buttons 2.) a button down company or style is formal and traditional ▪ He didn t fit in with the button down culture of his new boss …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • button-down — ☆ button down [but′ ndoun΄ ] adj. 1. designating a collar, as on a shirt, having points fastened by small buttons to the front of the garment 2. conservative, conventional, etc. [a button down mind]: also buttoned down n. a shirt with a button… …   English World dictionary

  • button-down — button ,down adjective only before noun a button down shirt has the ends of the collar fastened to the shirt with buttons …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • button-down — adjective 1. unimaginatively conventional (Freq. 1) a colorful character in the buttoned down, dull grey world of business Newsweek • Syn: ↑buttoned down, ↑conservative • Similar to: ↑conventional 2. of a shirt; having the e …   Useful english dictionary

  • button-down — I. adjective Date: 1934 1. a. of a collar having the ends fastened to the garment with buttons b. of a garment having a button down collar 2. (or buttoned down) conservatively traditional or conventional; especially adhering to conventional norms …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • button-down — ADJ: ADJ n A button down shirt or a shirt with a button down collar has a button under each end of the collar which you can fasten …   English dictionary

  • button-down — {attrib. adj.}, {slang} (stress on button ) Well groomed, conservatively dressed. * /Joe is a regular button down type./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • button-down — {attrib. adj.}, {slang} (stress on button ) Well groomed, conservatively dressed. * /Joe is a regular button down type./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • button-down — /but n down /, adj. 1. (of a shirt collar) having buttonholes so it can be buttoned to the body of the shirt. 2. (of a shirt) having a button down collar. 3. (esp. of attitudes, opinions, etc.) extremely conventional; unimaginative. Also,… …   Universalium

  • button-down — attrib. adj. slang (stress on button ) Well groomed, conservatively dressed. Joe is a regular button down type …   Словарь американских идиом

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