- Buteshire
- [ʹbju:tʃıə] n геогр.
Бьютшир (графство Шотландии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Buteshire — (spr. bjūtschïr), schott. Grafschaft, aus den Inseln Bute, Arran, Groß Cumbrae (sämtlich im Clydebusen) bestehend, hat ein Areal von 583 qkm (10,6 QM) mit (1601) 18.786 Einw., wovon (1891) 29 nur Gälisch und 3482 Gälisch und Englisch sprachen.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Buteshire — BUTESHIRE, a county, on the western coast of Scotland, consisting of the isles of Bute, Arran, InchMarnock, and Great and Little Cumbray, in the Firth of Clyde; separated on the north from Argyllshire by the straits called the Kyles of Bute,… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Buteshire — Traditionelle Grafschaft Buteshire Bute (auch: Buteshire) ist eine kleine traditionelle Grafschaft im Südwesten Schottlands mit ca. 13.700 Einwohnern (Stand 2001). Die Grafschaft besteht aus einer Reihe von Inseln im Firth of Clyde. Die größten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
buteshire — ˈbyütshi(ə)r adjective or bute ˈbyüt Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from Buteshire or Bute county, Scotland : of or from the county of Bute, Scotland : of the kind or style prevalent in Bute … Useful english dictionary
Buteshire and Caithness (UK Parliament constituencies) — UK former constituency infobox Name = Caithness Type = County Year = 1708 Abolition = 1918UK former constituency infobox Name = Buteshire Type = County Year = 1708 Abolition = 1918Buteshire and Caithness were county constituencies of the House of … Wikipedia
Buteshire — geographical name see Bute 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Buteshire — ▪ former county, Scotland, United Kingdom also called Bute historic county in western Scotland that includes Bute, Arran, the Cumbraes (Cumbraes, the), Holy, Pladda, and Inchmarnock islands, all lying in the Firth of Clyde. Bute and… … Universalium
buteshire — bute·shire … English syllables
Lord Lieutenant of Buteshire — This is an incomplete list of people who have served as Lord Lieutenant of Buteshire. The post was established in 1794 and abolished in 1975, being replaced by the Lord Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute and the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and… … Wikipedia
Бьютшир — (Buteshire) графство в Шотландии; см. Бют … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Marquess of Bute — For the Prime Minister, see John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute. Marquessate of Bute Creation date 27 February 1796 Created by King George III Peerage Peer … Wikipedia