- burning-glass
- [ʹbɜ:nıŋglɑ:s] n
зажигательное стекло
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Burning glass — Burning Burn ing, n. The act of consuming by fire or heat, or of subjecting to the effect of fire or heat; the state of being on fire or excessively heated. [1913 Webster] {Burning fluid}, any volatile illuminating oil, as the lighter petroleums… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
burning glass — n. a convex lens for focusing the sun s rays so as to produce heat or set fire to something … English World dictionary
Burning-glass — A burning glass is a large convex lens that can concentrate the sun s rays onto a small area, heating up the area and thus resulting in ignition of the exposed surface. They were used in 18th century chemical studies for burning materials in… … Wikipedia
burning glass — lens of glass which causes combustion by focusing the sun s rays … English contemporary dictionary
burning-glass — burnˈing glass noun A convex lens concentrating the sun s rays at its focus to produce fire or heat • • • Main Entry: ↑burn … Useful english dictionary
burning glass — a converging lens used to produce heat or ignite substances by focusing the sun s rays. Also called sunglass. [1560 70] * * * … Universalium
burning-glass — noun /ˈbəːnɪŋɡlɑːs/ A magnifying lens, as used to focus sunlight on to an object … Wiktionary
burning glass — noun a lens for concentrating the sun s rays on an object so as to set fire to it … English new terms dictionary
burning-glass — n. Convex lens … New dictionary of synonyms
burning-glass — /ˈbɜnɪŋ glas/ (say berning glahs) noun a convex lens used to produce heat or ignite substances by focusing the sun s rays …
burning glass — noun : a positive lens for producing intense heat by converging the sun s rays approximately to the principal focus of the lens the point of convergence being a very small image of the sun … Useful english dictionary