- bull-whip
- [ʹbʋlwıp] n
длинный пастуший кнут
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bull|whip — «BUL HWIHP», noun. a long, heavy leather whip like those formerly used by drivers of oxen … Useful english dictionary
bull-whip — verb To whip with a bullwhip … Wiktionary
Bull-Whip-Effekt — Der Peitscheneffekt (auch Forrester Aufschaukelung, bullwhip effect oder whiplash effect) stellt ein zentrales Problem im Lieferkettenmanagement (Supply Chain Management) dar, der sich aus dynamischen Prozessen der Lieferketten ergibt. Er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
whip — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. lash, scourge; quick motion, snap. v. t. lash, beat, flog; thrash; conquer, subdue; defeat. See success. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. switch, strap, rod, birch rod, ruler, cane, lash, scourge, knotted cord … English dictionary for students
bull|whack — «BUL HWAK», noun, verb. Western U.S. –n. a whip with a long, heavy lash and a short handle. –v.t. to drive (a team of oxen or other draft animals) with a bullwhack or other whip … Useful english dictionary
Whip-poor-will — Taxobox name = Whip poor will image width = 240px image caption = Adult male status = LC status system = iucn3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves subclassis = Neornithes infraclassis = Neognathae unranked ordo = Cypselomorphae… … Wikipedia
whip — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ riding ▪ bull, horse (usually horsewhip) ▪ leather VERB + WHIP ▪ cra … Collocations dictionary
bull — noun Bull is used before these nouns: ↑calf, ↑elephant, ↑fight, ↑market, ↑ring, ↑whip … Collocations dictionary
Chain whip — This article is about the Asian melee weapon. For the bicycle repair tool, see Chain whip (bicycle tool). An example of a chain whip The chain whip is a weapon used in some Asian martial arts, including Chinese martial arts, in addition to modern … Wikipedia
Cool Whip — is a brand of imitation whipped cream named a whipped topping by its manufacturer. It is used in North America as a dessert topping and in some no bake pie recipes. It was generally described as non dairy as it contained no cream or milk and no… … Wikipedia
Miracle Whip — is a white salad dressing and sandwich spread manufactured by Kraft Foods, sold throughout the United States and Canada. It is often used as an alternative to mayonnaise in recipes, although it is sweeter and has additional ingredients. Contents… … Wikipedia