- bombastic
- [bɒmʹbæstık] a
надутый, напыщенный, высокопарный
bombastic in manner - с напыщенными манерами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bombastic in manner - с напыщенными манерами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bombastic — BOMBÁSTIC, Ă, bombastici, ce, adj. (Despre vorbe, stil etc.; adesea adverbial) Umflat, emfatic, pretenţios. – Din germ. bombastisch. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 Bombastic ≠ abscons, simplu, sobru Trimis de siveco, 03.08.2004.… … Dicționar Român
Bombastic — Bom*bas tic (b[o^]m*b[.a]s t[i^]k or b[u^]m*b[.a]s t[i^]k), Bombastical Bom*bas tic*al, a. Characterized by bombast; high sounding; inflated. {Bom*bas tic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] A theatrical, bombastic, windy phraseology. Burke. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bombastic — (adj.) 1704, inflated, from BOMBAST (Cf. bombast) + IC (Cf. ic). Meaning given to bombastic language is from 1727 … Etymology dictionary
bombastic — [bäm bas′tik] adj. using or characterized by high sounding but unimportant or meaningless language; pompous; grandiloquent bombastically adv. SYN. BOMBASTIC refers to speech or writing that is pompous and inflated and suggests extravagant verbal… … English World dictionary
bombastic — index flatulent, fustian, grandiose, orotund, pretentious (pompous), prolix, turgid Burton s Legal Thesau … Law dictionary
bombastic — grandiloquent, magniloquent, *rhetorical, aureate, flowery, euphuistic Analogous words: *inflated, turgid, tumid: verbose, diffuse, *wordy: eloquent, voluble, fluent, articulate, *vocal Contrasted words: temperate, unimpassioned, *sober: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
bombastic — [adj] pompous, grandiloquent aureate, balderdash, big talking*, declamatory, euphuistic, flowery, full of hot air*, fustian, grandiose, highfalutin*, high flown, histrionic, inflated, loudmouthed, magniloquent, orotund, ostentatious, overblown,… … New thesaurus
bombastic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ grandiose but with little meaning. DERIVATIVES bombastically adverb … English terms dictionary
bombastic — bombastically, adv. /bom bas tik/, adj. (of speech, writing, etc.) high sounding; high flown; inflated; pretentious. Also, bombastical. [1695 1705; BOMBAST + IC] Syn. pompous, grandiloquent, turgid, florid, grandiose. BOMBASTIC, FLOWERY,… … Universalium
bombastic — bom|bas|tic [bɔmˈbæstık US ba:m ] adj [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: bombast bombastic language (16 21 centuries), from Old French bombace soft material for filling something , from Medieval Latin bombax cotton ] bombastic language contains long words … Dictionary of contemporary English
bombastic — [[t]bɒ̱mbæ̱stɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone as bombastic, you are criticizing them for trying to impress other people by saying things that sound impressive but have little meaning. He was vain and bombastic. ...the… … English dictionary