Bug-eyed — may refer to:* Bug Eyed Bandit, two DC Comics supervillains * Bug eyed monster, one of the early conventions of the science fiction genre … Wikipedia
bug-eyed — [ bʌg ,aıd ] adjective INFORMAL a bug eyed creature or person has eyes that stick out a. very excited or interested, so that your eyes are wide open … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bug-eyed — ☆ bug eyed [bug′īd΄ ] adj. Slang with bulging eyes … English World dictionary
bug-eyed — bug′ eyed adj. with bulging eyes, as from surprise • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
bug-eyed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ with bulging eyes … English terms dictionary
bug-eyed — ADJ A bug eyed person or animal has eyes that stick out. [INFORMAL] ...bug eyed monsters... John and Bill and I were bug eyed in wonderment … English dictionary
bug-eyed — {adj.}, {slang} Wide eyed with surprise. * /He stood there bug eyed when told that he had won the award./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bug-eyed — {adj.}, {slang} Wide eyed with surprise. * /He stood there bug eyed when told that he had won the award./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bug-eyed — adj slang Wide eyed with surprise. He stood there bug eyed when told that he had won the award … Словарь американских идиом
bug-eyed — adj. Bug eyed is used with these nouns: ↑monster … Collocations dictionary
bug-eyed — drunk Referring to the protrusion of the eyeballs: Victor did not deny his condition. Banjaxed, bombed, bug eyed, and bingoed, he said without slurring his words. (Deighton, 1993/2) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms