- British Commonwealth
- [ʹbrıtıʃʹkɒmənwelθ] ист.
Британское Содружество Наций (тж. British Commonwealth of Nations; название до 1953 г.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
British Commonwealth — Dieser Artikel erläutert den Staatenbund Commonwealth of Nations; andere Bedeutungen des Wortes Commonwealth unter Commonwealth (Begriffsklärung). Flagge des Commonwealth of Nations … Deutsch Wikipedia
British Commonwealth Air Training Plan — Part of Second World War Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, United States … Wikipedia
British Commonwealth Forces Korea — (BCFK) was the formal name, from 1952, of the Commonwealth army, naval and air units serving with the United Nations (UN) in the Korean War. Australian, British, Canadian, Indian and New Zealand units were part of BCFK. Some Commonwealth units… … Wikipedia
British Commonwealth Games 1974 — Austragungsort Christchurch, Neuseeland Teilnehmende Länder 38 … Deutsch Wikipedia
British Commonwealth Games 1970 — Austragungsort Edinburgh, Schottland Teilnehmende Länder 42 Teilnehmende Athleten 1383 … Deutsch Wikipedia
British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines — est une compagnie aérienne australienne disparue. BCPA fut créée en avril 1948 pour assurer la desserte transpacifique des pays du Commonwealth. Après avoir obtenu la cession de 4 DC 4 par Trans Australia Airlines et Australian National Airways,… … Wikipédia en Français
British Commonwealth (of Nations) — former name for THE COMMONWEALTH * * * … Universalium
British Commonwealth (of Nations) — former name for THE COMMONWEALTH … English World dictionary
British Commonwealth (of Nations) — former name for THE COMMONWEALTH … English World dictionary
British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines — or BCPA, was registered in New South Wales, Australia in June 1946 with headquarters in Sydney. It was formed by the governments of Australia (50%), New Zealand (30%) and the UK (20%) to pursue trans Pacific flights. The original route was Sydney … Wikipedia
British Commonwealth — British Com|mon|wealth →↑Commonwealth … Dictionary of contemporary English