- Bristol Channel
- [ʹbrıstlʹtʃænl] геогр.
Бристольский залив (Великобритания)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bristol Channel — Bristol Chan|nel the Bristol Channel an area of water between South Wales and southwest England which goes from the Atlantic Ocean to the mouth of the Severn River … Dictionary of contemporary English
Bristol Channel — arm of the Atlantic, between S Wales & SW England: c. 85 mi (137 km) long … English World dictionary
Bristol Channel — Map of the Bristol Channel Sunrise looking no … Wikipedia
Bristol Channel — Canal de Bristol Canal de Bristol Type Bras de mer Localisation Océan Atlantique Pays côtier(s) … Wikipédia en Français
Bristol Channel — Karte des Bristolkanals Satellitenbild Der Bristolkanal (englisch Bristol Channel; walisisch Môr Hafren) ist eine Bucht an der We … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bristol Channel — Sp Bristolio įlanka Ap Bristol Channel L Airijos j., D. Britanija (Anglija) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Bristol Channel floods, 1607 — On 30 January, 1607 (New style) the Bristol Channel floods resulted in the drowning of an estimated 2,000 or more people, with houses and villages swept away, an estimated convert|200|sqmi|km2|0 of farmland inundated and livestock destroyed,cite… … Wikipedia
Bristol Channel — an inlet of the Atlantic, between S Wales and SW England, extending to the mouth of the Severn estuary. 85 mi. (137 km) long. * * * Inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, southwestern England. It extends about 85 mi (135 km) between southern Wales and… … Universalium
Bristol Channel — geographical name channel between S Wales & SW England … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bristol Channel — noun an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between South Wales and England; an extension of the estuary of the River Severn … Wiktionary
BRISTOL CHANNEL — an inlet in SW. of England, between S. Wales and Devon and Cornwall, 8 m. in length, from 5 to 43 in breadth, and with a depth of from 5 to 40 fathoms; is subject to very high tides, and as such dangerous to shipping; numerous rivers flow into … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia