- bread-and-butter letter
- [͵bred(ə)n(d)ʹbʌtə͵letə] разг.
письмо с выражением благодарности за гостеприимство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bread-and-butter letter — noun A letter of thanks for hospitality • • • Main Entry: ↑bread … Useful english dictionary
bread-and-butter letter — {n.} A written acknowledgment of hospitality received. * /Jane wrote the Browns a bread and butter letter when she returned home from her visit to them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bread-and-butter letter — {n.} A written acknowledgment of hospitality received. * /Jane wrote the Browns a bread and butter letter when she returned home from her visit to them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bread-and-butter\ letter — noun A written acknowledgment of hospitality received. Jane wrote the Browns a bread and butter letter when she returned home from her visit to them … Словарь американских идиом
bread-and-butter letter — noun A short, hand written communication to thank someone who has recently provided you with hospitality, usually dinner or an overnight visit. Syn: bread and butter note … Wiktionary
bread-and-butter letter — Letter of thanks to host/hostess after entertainment … A concise dictionary of English slang
bread and butter letter — n. thank you letter, thank you note thanking a person for their hospitality … English contemporary dictionary
bread-and-butter letter — noun a letter expressing thanks for hospitality … English new terms dictionary
bread-and-butter letter — /ˌbrɛd ən ˈbʌtə lɛtə/ (say .bred uhn butuh letuh) noun a letter written out of a sense of obligation for some favour received, as from a guest to a host …
bread-and-butter — bread and but•ter [[t]ˈbrɛd nˈbʌt ər[/t]] adj. 1) providing a livelihood or reliable income: the agency s bread and butter accounts[/ex] 2) of or pertaining to the basic needs of life 3) basic or everyday; staple; routine 4) expressing thanks for … From formal English to slang
bread-and-butter — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: bread and butter 1. now chiefly Britain : adolescent : marked by the weakness, naïveté, or forcelessness of a juvenile : schoolgirlish 2. a … Useful english dictionary