- bolthead
- [ʹbəʋlthed] n
головка болта
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bolthead — Bolt head , n. 1. (Chem.) A long, straight necked, glass vessel for chemical distillations; called also a {matrass} or receiver. [1913 Webster] 2. The head of a bolt. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bolthead — /bohlt hed /, n. 1. the head of a bolt. 2. Chem. (formerly) a matrass. [1425 75; late ME; see BOLT1, HEAD] * * * … Universalium
bolthead — noun A round bottomed flask with a long neck (used especially for distillation) … Wiktionary
bolthead — /ˈboʊlthɛd/ (say bohlthed) noun 1. the head of a bolt. 2. Chemistry Obsolete a matrass …
bolthead — n. long, straight necked glass vessel for distilling; matrass … Dictionary of difficult words
bolthead — /bohlt hed /, n. 1. the head of a bolt. 2. Chem. (formerly) a matrass. [1425 75; late ME; see BOLT1, HEAD] * * * boltˈhead noun The head of a bolt • • • Main Entry: ↑bolt … Useful english dictionary
matrass — Bolthead Bolt head , n. 1. (Chem.) A long, straight necked, glass vessel for chemical distillations; called also a {matrass} or receiver. [1913 Webster] 2. The head of a bolt. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bolt action — The term bolt action refers to a type of firearm action in which the weapon s bolt is operated manually by the opening and closing of the breech with a small handle, most commonly placed on the right hand side of the weapon. As the handle is… … Wikipedia
Bid hook — Hook Hook (h[oo^]k; 277), n. [OE. hok, AS. h[=o]c; cf. D. haak, G. hake, haken, OHG. h[=a]ko, h[=a]go, h[=a]ggo, Icel. haki, Sw. hake, Dan. hage. Cf. {Arquebuse}, {Hagbut}, {Hake}, {Hatch} a half door, {Heckle}.] 1. A piece of metal, or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
By hook or by crook — Hook Hook (h[oo^]k; 277), n. [OE. hok, AS. h[=o]c; cf. D. haak, G. hake, haken, OHG. h[=a]ko, h[=a]go, h[=a]ggo, Icel. haki, Sw. hake, Dan. hage. Cf. {Arquebuse}, {Hagbut}, {Hake}, {Hatch} a half door, {Heckle}.] 1. A piece of metal, or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain hook — Hook Hook (h[oo^]k; 277), n. [OE. hok, AS. h[=o]c; cf. D. haak, G. hake, haken, OHG. h[=a]ko, h[=a]go, h[=a]ggo, Icel. haki, Sw. hake, Dan. hage. Cf. {Arquebuse}, {Hagbut}, {Hake}, {Hatch} a half door, {Heckle}.] 1. A piece of metal, or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English