- bottle-feed
- [ʹbɒtl|fi:d] v (bottle-fed [-{ʹbɒtl}fed])
вскармливать искусственно (новорождённого)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bottle-feed — bottle feeds, bottle feeding, bottle fed VERB If you bottle feed a baby, you give it milk or a liquid like milk in a bottle rather than the baby sucking milk from its mother s breasts. [V n] New fathers love bottle feeding their babies. [V ed] … English dictionary
bottle-feed — past tense and past participle bottle fed v [T] to feed a baby or young animal with milk from a bottle rather than from their mother s breast >bottle feeding n [U] >bottle fed adj … Dictionary of contemporary English
bottle-feed — bottle ,feed verb transitive to feed a baby with milk from a bottle instead of BREASTFEEDING it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bottle-feed — v.tr. (past and past part. fed) feed (a baby) with milk by means of a bottle. * * * ˈbottle feed [bottle feed bottle feeds bottle fed bottle feeding] verb transiti … Useful english dictionary
bottle-feed — UK / US verb [transitive] Word forms bottle feed : present tense I/you/we/they bottle feed he/she/it bottle feeds present participle bottle feeding past tense bottle fed past participle bottle fed to feed a baby with milk from a bottle rather… … English dictionary
bottle-feed — /bot l feed /, v., bottle fed, bottle feeding. v.t. 1. to nurse or feed (an infant or young animal) with milk or other nourishment from a nursing bottle. 2. to nurture or teach with exaggerated care: We had to bottle feed the new salesman on how… … Universalium
bottle-feed — bottlefeed ottlefeed, bottle feed ottle feedv. t. 1. to feed with a bottle; of infants or baby animals. [WordNet 1.5] 2. to train, manage or instruct (a person) with great attention to detail. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bottle-feed — verb Bottle feed is used with these nouns as the object: ↑baby … Collocations dictionary
bottle-feed — [c]/ˈbɒtl fid/ (say botl feed) verb (bottle fed, bottle feeding) –verb (t) 1. to feed (a baby or young animal) with prepared milk from a bottle (opposed to breastfeed). –verb (i) 2. to feed a baby in this manner. 3. (of a baby) to feed from the… …
bottle-feed — verb past tense and past participle bottle fed (T) to feed a baby or young animal with milk from a bottle rather than from their mother s breast bottle feeding noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
bottle-feed — bot·tle feed bät əl .fēd vt, fed; feed·ing to feed (an infant) from a bottle rather than by breast feeding … Medical dictionary