- Bothnia
- [ʹbɒθnıə] n геогр.
Gulf of Bothnia - Ботнический залив
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gulf of Bothnia - Ботнический залив
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bothnĭa — Bothnĭa, mittelalterlich lat. Name für die Küstenländer des Bottnischen Meerbusens, s. Botten … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bothnia — Bothnĭa, im Mittelalter lat. Name für die Küstenländer des Bottnischen Meerbusens (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
BOTHNIA — provinc. Sueciae; ampla, inter Lappiam regionem et extremam partem maris Baltici, quae Bothnicus sinus nunc dicitur. Dividitur in 3. partes, nempe Borealem, Orientalem et Occidentalem. Eius primatia urbs est Torna, Civitas iuxta sinum Bothnicum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bothnia — [bäth′nē ə] Gulf of arm of the Baltic Sea, between Finland & Sweden … English World dictionary
Bothnia — n. (Gulf of Bothnia) arm of the Baltic Sea that extends between Sweden and Finland … English contemporary dictionary
Bothnia (1874) — Bothnia Die Bothnia auf einem Werbeplakat der Cunard Line p1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bothnia, Gulf of — Northern arm of the Baltic Sea. Extending between Sweden and Finland, it covers about 45,200 sq mi (117,000 sq km). It is 450 mi (725 km) long and 50–150 mi (80–240 km) wide; its average depth is 965 ft (295 m). Because many rivers drain into it … Universalium
Bothnia — Bothnian, adj., n. Bothnic, adj. /both nee euh/, n. Gulf of, an arm of the Baltic Sea, extending N between Sweden and Finland. ab. 400 mi. (645 km) long. * * * … Universalium
BOTHNIA — a prov. of Sweden, divided into E. and W. by a gulf of the name … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Bothnia — Both•ni•a [[t]ˈbɒθ ni ə[/t]] n. Gulf of, geg an arm of the Baltic Sea, extending N between Sweden and Finland. ab. 400 mi. (645 km) long Both′ni•an, adj. n. Both′nic, adj … From formal English to slang
Bothnia — /ˈbɒθniə/ (say bothneeuh) noun Gulf of, an arm of the Baltic, extending north between Sweden and Finland. About 645 km long …