- Bosnia
- [ʹbɒznıə] n геогр.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bosnia — n. A mountainous republic of south central Europe; formerly part of the Ottoman Empire and Yugoslavia; voted for independence in 1992 but the mostly Serbian army of Yugoslavia refused to accept the vote and began ethnic cleansing to rid Bosnia of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bosnia — named for the River Bosna, which is perhaps from an IE root *bhog current. As a name or adjective for someone there, Bosnian (1788) is older in English than Bosniac (1836, from Rus. Bosnyak) … Etymology dictionary
Bosnia — noun 1. the northern part of Bosnia Herzegovina • Instance Hypernyms: ↑state, ↑province • Part Holonyms: ↑Bosnia and Herzegovina, ↑Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ↑Bosna i Hercegovina, ↑Bosnia Herzegovina … Useful english dictionary
Bosnia — ► Región de los Balcanes que, juntamente con Herzegovina, constituye la república de Bosnia Herzegovina. ► HISTORIA La región fue invadida sucesivamente por ilirios, romanos y godos, y esclavizada por los croatas en el s. VII. En 1463 cayó en… … Enciclopedia Universal
Bosnia — noun /ˈbɒz.ni.ə,ˈbɑz.ni.ə/ a) Northern 75% of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, representing a geographic and historical entity, not an administrative unit. b) Short form of Bosnia and Herzegovina, used to refer to the whole country in… … Wiktionary
Bosnia — geographical name region S Europe in the Balkans; with Herzegovina forms independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina ; a federated republic of Yugoslavia 1946 92 capital Sarajevo area 19,904 square miles (51,750 square kilometers), population… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bosnia — Bosnian, adj. /boz nee euh/, n. a historic region in SE Europe: a former Turkish province; a part of Austria Hungary (1879 1918) now part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. * * * … Universalium
Bosnia — De la desmembración de la República de Yugoslavia surgieron varias repúblicas independientes que ya existían como federadas, entre ellas la de Bosnia … Diccionario español de neologismos
Bosnia — Bos|ni|a also Bosnia Herzegovina a country in eastern Europe between Croatia and Yugoslavia. It was formerly a part of Yugoslavia, but it joined with Herzegovina in 1992 to form a new country. Population: 4,400,000 (1993). Capital: Sarajevo.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Bosnia — n. region in southeastern Europe which is now part of Bosnia and Herzegovina … English contemporary dictionary
Bosnia — Bos•ni•a [[t]ˈbɒz ni ə[/t]] n. geg why a historic region in S Europe: a former Turkish province; a part of Austria 1879–1918; now part of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bos′ni•an, adj. n … From formal English to slang