- book-postage
- [ʹbʋk͵pəʋstıdʒ] n
почтовые расходы по пересылке книг
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Postage stamp design — is the activity of graphic design as applied to postage stamps. Many thousands of designs have been created since a profile bust of Queen Victoria was adopted for the Penny Black in 1840; some considered very successful, othersless so.A stamp… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Israel — The postage stamps and postal history of Israel is a survey of the postage stamps issued by the state of Israel, and its postal history, since independence was proclaimed on May 14 1948. The first postage stamps were issued two days later on May… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Mexico — One and two reales stamps, 1856, with Morelia overprints and Pátzcuaro cancellation Mexico s postal system has its roots in the Aztec system of messengers which the Spanish adopted after the Conquest. During the 18th century, Spain established a… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of the Confederate States — Confederacy Treasury Dept cover Various departments of the Confederate government used envelopes which were printed with the names of their department. Examples where the words Official Business occurs are common. The postage stamps and postal… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps of Ireland — The postage stamps of Ireland are issued by the postal operator of the independent Irish state. Ireland was part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland when the world s first postage stamps were issued in 1840. These stamps, and all… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of India — * For the states with their own stamps, See: main|Stamps and postal history of Indian states * For current information on India Post, See: main|Indian Postal ServiceThis is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of India. As the… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Guam — The postage stamps and postal history of Guam is an overview of the postage stamps and postal history of the Pacific Ocean island of Guam. Its postal service is linked to those of the Philippines during the Spanish Empire and, since 1898, to the… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Argentina — Argentine postage stamps per sé were first issued in 1862 by the National Postal Service, a federal entity that dates from 1854, following the establishment of the Republic in lieu of the former, failed Confederacy. A number of provinces and… … Wikipedia
Postage stamp design error — This Philippine stamp of 1932 is captioned Pagsanjan Falls, but actually depicts Vernal Fall; compare the photo below … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Denmark — This article is an overview of the postage stamps and postal history of Denmark. Early postal history Denmark s postal history begins with an ordinance of 24 December 1624 by King Christian IV, establishing a national postal service . This… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Estonia — This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of Estonia. The postage stamps of Estonia are issued by the postal administration Eesti Post ( et. Eesti Post Audio|eestipost.ogg|listen which is the country s only provider of universal… … Wikipedia