- Bolshevist
- 1. [ʹbɒlʃəvıst] n
большевик2. [ʹbɒlʃəvıst] aбольшевистский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bolshevist — Bolshevik ► NOUN historical 1) a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the Revolution of 1917. 2) a person with politically subversive or radical views. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or… … English terms dictionary
Bolshevist — I noun a Russian member of the left wing majority group that followed Lenin and eventually became the Russian communist party • Syn: ↑Bolshevik • Derivationally related forms: ↑Bolshevistic, ↑Bolshevism, ↑bolshevize (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bolshevist Russia — or Bolshevik Russia is a common term for the Bolshevik side in the Russian Civil War, or more specifically the Russian government between the October Revolution (November 7, 1917) and the establishment of the Soviet Union (December 30, 1922). The … Wikipedia
Bolshevist — noun or adjective Date: 1917 Bolshevik … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bolshevist — /bohl sheuh vist, bol /, n. 1. a follower or advocate of the doctrines or methods of the Bolsheviks. 2. (sometimes l.c.) an ultraradical socialist; any political ultraradical. adj. 3. Bolshevistic. [1915 20; BOLSHEV(IK) + IST] * * * … Universalium
Bolshevist — noun /ˈbɒlʃəvɪst/ A Bolshevik (also used attributively) … Wiktionary
bolshevist — Bol·she·vist || bÉ’lʃəvɪst n. member of the Bolsheviks, supporter of Bolshevism … English contemporary dictionary
bolshevist — bol·she·vist … English syllables
bolshevist — /ˈbɒlʃəvəst/ (say bolshuhvuhst) (also upper case) –noun 1. a follower or advocate of the doctrines or methods of the Bolsheviks. 2. an ultraradical socialist; any political ultraradical. –adjective 3. bolshevistic …
anti-Bolshevist — n., adj. * * * … Universalium
non-Bolshevist — n. * * * … Universalium