- Berwickshire
- [ʹberıkʃıə] n геогр.
Берикшир (графство Шотландии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Berwickshire — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Situación geográfica de Berwickshire, en Escocia. Berwickshire o Condado de Berwick es un condado tradicional (registration county, en inglés), un área del comité del Consejo de límites de Escocia, y una zona… … Wikipedia Español
Berwickshire — (spr. bérrickschĭr), Grafschaft im südöstlichen Schottland, grenzt östlich an die Nordsee, südlich an den Tweed, der sie von England trennt, und an Roxburgh, westlich an Selkirk und Edinburg, nördlich an Haddington und hat ein Areal von 1202 qkm… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Berwickshire — [ berɪkʃɪə], ehemalige County in Südostschottland, seit 1975 Teil der Borders Region … Universal-Lexikon
Berwickshire — BERWICKSHIRE, a maritime county, in the southeast of Scotland, bounded on the north by the German Sea and Haddingtonshire; on the east and north east, by the German Sea; on the south by the river Tweed, which separates it from the English… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Berwickshire — Not to be confused with Berwick upon Tweed (borough). Berwick County (until circa 1890) Country … Wikipedia
Berwickshire — 55°45′N 2°30′W / 55.75, 2.5 … Wikipédia en Français
Berwickshire — Lage von Berwickshire in Schottland Berwickshire ist eine der traditionellen Grafschaften von Schottland, gelegen im Südosten Schottlands an der Nordsee und der Grenze zu England. Ursprünglicher Verwaltungssitz und namensgebender Ort war die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Berwickshire — ▪ former county, Scotland, United Kingdom also called Berwick historic county, southeastern Scotland, on the North Sea. Berwickshire lies entirely within the Scottish Borders council area. The southern, lowland two thirds of Berwickshire… … Universalium
Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk (UK Parliament constituency) — UK constituency infobox alt Name = Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk Type = County Entity = Scotland DivisionType = Council areas Division = Scottish Borders Year = 2005 MP = Michael Moore Party = Liberal Democrat EP = ScotlandBerwickshire,… … Wikipedia
Berwickshire (UK Parliament constituency) — UK former constituency infobox Name = Berwickshire Type = County Year = 1708 Abolition = 1918 members = OneBerwickshire was a county constituency of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1708 to 1918, when its name was … Wikipedia
Berwickshire — geographical name see Berwick … New Collegiate Dictionary