Смотреть что такое "beer-hall" в других словарях:
beer|hall — «BIHR HL», noun. a place where beer is sold and drunk … Useful english dictionary
Beer hall — A beer hall ( de. Bierpalast, Bierstube) is a large pub that specializes in beer. Bavaria s capital Munich is the city most associated with beer halls; almost every brewery in Munich operates a beer hall. The largest beer hall was the 5,000 seat… … Wikipedia
Beer Hall Putsch — Marienplatz in Munich during the Beer Hall Putsch … Wikipedia
Beer Hall Putsch — or Munich Putsch (Nov. 8–9, 1923) Unsuccessful attempt by Adolf Hitler to start an insurrection in Germany against the Weimar Republic. On Nov. 8, 1923, Hitler and his men pushed their way into a right wing political meeting in a Munich beer hall … Universalium
Beer Hall Putsch — The Munich putsch was Adolf Hitler’s failed takeover of the Bavarian government on 9 November 1923. Hitler’s objective was to use the military forces of Bavaria and march to Berlin as a prelude to an overthrow of the Weimar Republic and the… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust
beer hall — noun a hall or barroom featuring beer and (usually) entertainment • Hypernyms: ↑hall * * * noun : an establishment featuring beer and sometimes offering entertainment * * * a bar, cabaret, or the like, chiefly serving beer and usually offering… … Useful english dictionary
beer-hall — /ˈbɪə hɔl/ (say bear hawl) noun 1. a public hall where beer is sold. 2. a public hall in South Africa where weak beer is sold to non whites …
beer hall — a bar, cabaret, or the like, chiefly serving beer and usually offering music, dancing, etc. [1880 85, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
beer hall — noun A large German public house that specialises in beer … Wiktionary
Asahi Beer Hall — Coordinates: 35°42′35″N 139°48′01″E / 35.7098°N 139.80037°E / 35.7098; 139.80037 … Wikipedia
Mexicali Beer Hall — war eine große Bierbar in der mexikanischen Stadt Tijuana. Mit einer Länge von etwa 50 bis 60 Metern nahm sie einen kompletten Häuserblock an der Avenida Revolución ein. Das Lokal war in Mexiko auch unter der Bezeichnung La Ballena (Der Walfisch) … Deutsch Wikipedia