- beatific
- [bıəʹtıfık,-{bıəʹtıfık}(ə)l] a
1. блаженный
beatific(al) smile - блаженная улыбка
2. дающий блаженствоbeatific(al) vision - рел. видение райского блаженства
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
beatific(al) smile - блаженная улыбка
beatific(al) vision - рел. видение райского блаженства
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Beatific — Be a*tif ic, Beatifical Be a*tif ic*al, a. [Cf. F. b[ e]atifique, L. beatificus. See {Beatify}.] Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful. The beatific vision. South. {Be a*tif ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beatific — [bē΄ə tif′ik] adj. [ME < ML(Ec) beatificus < LL(Ec) beatificare: see BEATIFY] 1. making blissful or blessed 2. showing happiness or delight; blissful [a beatific smile] beatifically adv … English World dictionary
beatific — index ecstatic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
beatific — BEATÍFIC, Ă adj. care beatifică. ♢ (s. m. f.) cel care trăieşte o bucurie spirituală. (< fr. béatifique) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
beatific — 1630s, from Fr. béatifique or directly from L.L. beatificus, from L. beatus blessed (see BEATIFY (Cf. beatify)). Related: Beatifical (c. 1600); beatifically … Etymology dictionary
beatific — ► ADJECTIVE 1) feeling or expressing blissful happiness. 2) Christian Theology bestowing holy bliss. DERIVATIVES beatifically adverb … English terms dictionary
beatific — /biəˈtɪfɪk / (say beeuh tifik) adjective 1. bestowing blessedness or beatitude: a beatific gesture. 2. blissful: a beatific vision; a beatific smile. {Late Latin beātificus} –beatifically, adverb …
beatific — beatifically, adv. /bee euh tif ik/, adj. 1. bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like: beatific peace. 2. blissful; saintly: a beatific smile. [1630 40; ( < F) < LL beatificus making happy, equiv. to beat(us) (ptp. of beare; be bless +… … Universalium
beatific — [[t]bi͟ːətɪ̱fɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A beatific expression shows or expresses great happiness and calmness. [LITERARY] He smiled an almost beatific smile. Syn: blissful … English dictionary
beatific — adjective 1) a beatific smile Syn: rapturous, joyful, ecstatic, seraphic, blissful, serene, happy, beaming 2) a beatific vision Syn: blessed, exalted, sublime, heavenly … Thesaurus of popular words
beatific — be•a•tif•ic [[t]ˌbi əˈtɪf ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like: beatific peace[/ex] 2) blissful; saintly: a beatific smile[/ex] • Etymology: 1630–40; (< F) < LL beātificus making happy be a•tif′i•cal•ly, adv … From formal English to slang