- battle-scarred
- [ʹbætlskɑ:d] a
1) пострадавший в бою
battle-scarred warship - повреждённый (в бою) военный корабль
2) повреждённый, потрёпанный; ≅ видавший виды
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
battle-scarred warship - повреждённый (в бою) военный корабль
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
battle-scarred — [bat′ lskärd΄] adj. having scars from wounds received in combat or in fights … English World dictionary
battle-scarred — adjective scarred by battle • Similar to: ↑injured * * * /bat l skahrd /, adj. 1. bearing scars or damages received in battle: a battle scarred warship. 2. showing the effects of hard wear or use: a sale of battle scarred desks. [1860 65] * * *… … Useful english dictionary
battle-scarred — /bat l skahrd /, adj. 1. bearing scars or damages received in battle: a battle scarred warship. 2. showing the effects of hard wear or use: a sale of battle scarred desks. [1860 65] * * * … Universalium
battle-scarred — adj. Battle scarred is used with these nouns: ↑veteran … Collocations dictionary
battle-scarred — UK [ˈbæt(ə)l ˌskɑː(r)d] / US [ˈbæt(ə)l ˌskɑrd] adjective a battle scarred person, object, or place shows clearly that they have been injured or damaged in a war … English dictionary
battle-scarred scarred — injured injured adj. 1. having received an injury; usually used of physical or mental injury to persons. Opposite of {uninjured}. [Narrower terms: {abraded, scraped, skinned ; {battle scarred, scarred}; {bit, bitten, stung ; {black and blue,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
battle-scarred — bat′tle scarred adj. bearing scars received in battle • Etymology: 1860–65 … From formal English to slang
battle-scarred — /ˈbætl skad/ (say batl skahd) adjective bearing scars or damages received in battle …
battle-scarred — marked with wounds of previous combat … English contemporary dictionary
-scarred — [[t] skɑː(r)d[/t]] 1) COMB in ADJ: ADJ n scarred is used after nouns such as bullet and fire to form adjectives which indicate that something has been damaged or marked by the thing mentioned. Crying orphans were loaded back into a bullet scarred … English dictionary
Battle of Nanking — Part of the Second Sino Japanese War … Wikipedia