- battik
- [ʹbætık] = batik
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
battik — /beuh teek , bat ik/, n., v.t. batik. * * * … Universalium
battik — n. wax dye relief technique of producing a pattern on cloth; piece of fabric dyed by the batik process … English contemporary dictionary
battik — /ˈbatɪk/ (say bahtik) noun Rare → batik …
battik — /beuh teek , bat ik/, n., v.t. batik … Useful english dictionary
Battickdruck, Battik-Sarongs — Battickdruck, Battik Sarongs, s. Batiken … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Batik — (pronunciation: IPA| [ˈba.teʔ] , but often, in English, is IPA| [ˈbæ.tɪk] or IPA| [bəˈtiːk] ) is a wax resist dyeing technique used on textile. Batik is found in several countries of West Africa, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Mali, and in… … Wikipedia
Batiken — (Batek oder Battik Sarongs, Battickdruck, Baktinieren), seit alter Zeit in Indien und dem Indischen Archipel hergestellte Baumwollenstoffe, die durch Färben im Kessel gemustert werden, indem man die Flächen, die ungefärbt bleiben sollen, vor dem… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
batik — /beuh teek , bat ik/, n. 1. a technique of hand dyeing fabrics by using wax as a dye repellent to cover parts of a design, dyeing the uncovered fabric with a color or colors, and dissolving the wax in boiling water. 2. the fabric so decorated.… … Universalium
batik — [ batik ] n. m. • 1845; mot javanais ♦ Technique artisanale de décoration des tissus, d origine javanaise, fondée sur l application, préalable à la teinture, de réserves à la cire. Faire du batik. Par ext. Tissu décoré selon cette technique. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
batik — /ˈbatɪk/ (say bahtik), /ˈbætɪk / (say batik) noun 1. a method of printing cloth by applying wax to the fabric in a desired pattern, thus sealing it off from the dye. 2. the fabric so decorated. Also, Rare, battik. {Javanese} …
ba|tik — «buh TEEK, BAT ihk», noun, adjective, verb. –n. 1. the art and method of making designs on cloth by dyeing only part at a time, the rest being protected by a removable coating of wax. 2. a cloth dyed in this way. 3. a design formed in this way. 4 … Useful english dictionary