- Bath-chair
- [ʹbɑ:θtʃeə] n
кресло на колёсах для больных
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bath chair — Bath Bath, n. A city in the west of England, resorted to for its hot springs, which has given its name to various objects. [1913 Webster] {Bath brick}, a preparation of calcareous earth, in the form of a brick, used for cleaning knives, polished… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bath chair — Bath′ (or bath′) chair n. 1) fur a wheeled and hooded chair, used esp. by invalids 2) fur any wheelchair • Etymology: 1815–25; after Bath, England … From formal English to slang
bath chair — n BrE a special chair with wheels and a cover, used in the past for moving someone old or sick around →↑wheelchair … Dictionary of contemporary English
Bath chair — n. [after BATH, where first used] a hooded wheelchair … English World dictionary
bath chair — n. a wheelchair for invalids. 3. bathe v. & n. v. 1 intr. immerse oneself in water, esp. to swim or esp. US wash oneself. 2 tr. immerse in or wash or treat with liquid esp. for cleansing or medicinal purposes. 3 tr. (of sunlight etc.) envelop. n … Useful english dictionary
Bath chair — A bath chair or Bath chair is a rolling chaise or light carriage with a folding hood, which can be open or closed, and a glass front. Used especially by invalids, it is mounted on three or four wheels and drawn or pushed by hand. It is so named… … Wikipedia
Bath chair — 1. a wheeled and hooded chair, used esp. by invalids. 2. any wheelchair. Also, bath chair. [1815 25] * * * ▪ furniture chair on wheels intended for use by ladies and invalids. It was devised by James Heath, of Bath, Eng., about 1750. For the… … Universalium
Bath chair — noun /bɑːθ ʧɛː/ an early form of wheelchair with three wheels, used to transport ladies or invalids, common in Victorian England , 1904: He was an invalid, keeping his bed half the time, and the other half hobbling round the house with a stick or … Wiktionary
bath chair — noun Etymology: Bath, England Date: 1823 a hooded and sometimes glassed wheeled chair used especially by invalids; broadly wheelchair … New Collegiate Dictionary
bath chair — wheelchair that is especially used for invalids at a health spa; wheel chair with a cover … English contemporary dictionary
bath chair — noun dated an invalid s wheelchair. Origin C19: named after the city of Bath in SW England, frequented for its supposedly curative hot springs … English new terms dictionary