
[ʹbæs|ılısk͵glɑ:ns,ʹbæz{ılısk͵glɑ:ns}-] n разг.
1) человек с «дурным глазом»
2) сглаз

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "basilisk-glance" в других словарях:

  • Basilisk (Dungeons & Dragons) — Basilisk Characteristics Alignment Neutral Type Magical beast Image image …   Wikipedia

  • Basilisk (disambiguation) — Basilisk is the name of a mythological creature that causes death through a single glance.Basilisk may refer to: * Any lizard of the genus Basiliscus , including: ** Common basilisk ** Brown basilisk ** Plumed basiliskBasilisk may also refer to:… …   Wikipedia

  • basilisk — c.1300, from L. basiliscus, from Gk. basiliskos little king, dim. of basileus king (see BASIL (Cf. Basil)); said by Pliny to have been so called because of a crest or spot on its head resembling a crown. The basilisk has since the fourteenth… …   Etymology dictionary

  • basilisk — [bas′ə lisk΄, baz′ə lisk΄] n. [ME < L basiliscus < Gr basiliskos, dim. of basileus, king] 1. a mythical lizardlike monster with supposedly fatal breath and glance, fabled to have been hatched by a serpent from a cock s egg: see also… …   English World dictionary

  • Basilisk — In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk (IPA| bæzɪlɪsk [ [ oed/basilisk?view=uk AskOxford: basilisk ] ] , from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos , little king ; Latin Regulus ) is a legendary reptile reputed… …   Wikipedia

  • Basilisk Sylphid — Infobox animanga character name = Basilisk Sylphid series = Saint Seiya caption = Basilisk Sylphid, in a screenshot from the anime adaptation first = creator = Masami Kurumada voiced by = Tetsu Inada age = 19 gender = Male born = June 20… …   Wikipedia

  • Basilisk (cannon) — The basilisk was a very heavy bronze cannon employed during the middle ages. The barrel of a basilisk could weigh up to 4000lb (1800kg) and could have a calibre of up to 5 inches (13 cm). [… …   Wikipedia

  • basilisk — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin basiliscus, from Greek basiliskos, from diminutive of basileus Date: 14th century 1. a legendary reptile with fatal breath and glance 2. any of several crested tropical American lizards (genus… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • basilisk — [14] Greek basilískos meant literally ‘little king’ – it was a diminutive of basiléus ‘king’, source also of English basil [15] (probably from the herb’s use by the Greeks in certain royal potions) and of English basilica [16] (a church built… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • basilisk — /ˈbæsəlɪsk / (say basuhlisk), /ˈbæz / (say baz ) noun 1. a tropical American lizard of the genus Basiliscus, of the family Iguanidae, with a crest on the back of the head and along the back and tail. 2. a kind of ancient brass cannon. 3. a… …  

  • Basilisk —    A serpent that is so horrible that it can kill with only a glance. In the Middle Ages, the Basilisk was a snake with the head of a cock or a human head. If it saw its own reflection, it would die from fright. To kill it, hold a mirror in front …   The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

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