- Banffshire
- [ʹbæmfʃıə] n геогр.
Банфшир (графство Шотландии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Banffshire — (spr. bämmfschĭr), Grafschaft in Nordschottland, am Moray Firth, von den Grafschaften Elgin, Inverneß und Aberdeen umschlossen, hat 1777 qkm (32,3 QM.) mit (1901) 61,487 Einw. (34 auf 1 qkm). Hauptstadt ist Banff … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Banffshire — BANFFSHIRE, a maritime county, in the north east part of Scotland, bounded on the north by the Moray Frith; on the east and south east, by Aberdeenshire; and on the west, by the counties of Moray and Inverness. It lies between 57° 5 and 57° 43 … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Banffshire — See also: Banffshire (UK Parliament constituency) Banff County (until circa 1890) … Wikipedia
Banffshire — Lage von Banffshire in Schottland Banffshire (Siorrachd Bhanbh in Gälisch) ist eine der traditionellen Grafschaften von Schottland, gelegen im Nordosten Schottlands zwischen den Cairngorm Mountains und der Küste des Moray Firth. Historischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Banffshire — 57°30′N 3°05′W / 57.5, 3.083 … Wikipédia en Français
Banffshire — ▪ former county, Scotland, United Kingdom also called Banff historic county, northeastern Scotland, extending from the Grampian Mountains to the North Sea. The northeastern portion of the county, including the historic county town (seat)… … Universalium
banffshire — ˈbam(p)fˌshi(ə)r, shər adjective or banff f Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from Banffshire or Banff, Scotland : of or from the county of Banff, Scotland : of the kind or style prevalent in Banff … Useful english dictionary
Banffshire (UK Parliament constituency) — UK former constituency infobox Name = Banffshire Type = County Year = 1708 Abolition = 1983 members = oneBanffshire was a constituency of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1708 to 1983. It covered the county of… … Wikipedia
Banffshire — geographical name see Banff … New Collegiate Dictionary
banffshire — banff·shire … English syllables
Banffshire — /ˈbænfʃɪə/ (say banfshear), / ʃə/ (say shuh) noun a former county in north eastern Scotland; now part of Aberdeenshire …