- boffin
- [ʹbɒfın] n сл.
1) учёный; специалист-консультант, эксперт2) изобретатель (особ. занимающийся новыми видами оружия и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Boffin — ist der Name folgender Personen: Danny Boffin (* 1965), belgischer Fußballnationalspieler Pierre Boffin (1907–1992), deutsch französischer Maler Ruud Boffin (* 1987), belgischer Fußballtorhüter Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
boffin — of fin n. a scientist or technician, especially one engaged in military research. [British slang] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
boffin — (n.) person engaged in innovative research, especially in aviation, 1945; earlier elderly naval officer (1941), probably from one of the Mr. Boffins of English literature (e.g. Our Mutual Friend ) … Etymology dictionary
boffin — ► NOUN informal, chiefly Brit. ▪ a scientist. DERIVATIVES boffiny adjective. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
boffin — [bäf′in] n. [< ?] [Brit. Slang] a research scientist … English World dictionary
Boffin — In the slang of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, boffins are scientists, engineers, and other people who are stereotypically seen as engaged in technical or scientific research. The word conjures up an image of men in… … Wikipedia
Boffin — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Boffin est un nom de famille notamment porté par : (ordre alphabétique) Danny Boffin (1965 ), footballeur belge ; Ruud Boffin (1987 ),… … Wikipédia en Français
boffin — [[t]bɒ̱fɪn[/t]] boffins 1) N COUNT A boffin is a scientist, especially one who is doing research. [BRIT, INFORMAL] The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution. Syn: egg head 2) N COUNT Very clever people are… … English dictionary
boffin — UK [ˈbɒfɪn] / US [ˈbɑfɪn] noun [countable] Word forms boffin : singular boffin plural boffins British informal someone who is very intelligent and knows a lot about a particular subject computer boffins … English dictionary
boffin — bof|fin [ˈbɔfın US ˈba: ] n BrE informal 1.) a scientist 2.) someone who is very clever ▪ He was always a bit of a boffin, even at school. ▪ computer boffins … Dictionary of contemporary English
boffin — noun (C) BrE 1 old fashioned a scientist 2 informal someone who is very clever but not fashionable: He was always a bit of a boffin, even at school … Longman dictionary of contemporary English