- ballet-dancer
- [ʹbæleı͵dɑ:nsə] n
1) артист балета, танцовщик2) артистка балета, танцовщица, балерина
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ballet dancer — [n] person who performs graceful dance company, coryphee, dancer, danseur, danseuse, figurant, figurante, hoofer*, prima ballerina; concept 352 … New thesaurus
ballet dancer — ballet .dancer [ US .ˈ. ˌ..] n someone who dances in ballets … Dictionary of contemporary English
ballet dancer — bal·let danc·er || bælɪ person who dances ballet (classical style of dance); ballerina (female ballet dancer) … English contemporary dictionary
ballet dancer — noun a trained dancer who is a member of a ballet company (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑dancer, ↑professional dancer, ↑terpsichorean • Hyponyms: ↑ballerina, ↑danseuse, ↑danseur, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
ballet dancer — /ˈbæleɪ ˌdænsə/ (say balay .dansuh) noun a male or female dancer trained in ballet techniques …
ballet-dancer — ballˈet dancer noun • • • Main Entry: ↑ballet … Useful english dictionary
ballet dancer — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. ballerina, prima ballerina, danseuse, danseur, figurante, figurant, coryph?e, member of the chorus, student dancer; see also dancer … English dictionary for students
ballet dancer — noun (C) someone who dances in ballets … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Paul Hammond (ballet dancer) — Paul Clement Hammond OAM (born 16 December 1922) is a former Australian ballet dancer, teacher and choreographer.He was born in Sydney and commenced dancing at the age of 17. [http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/standing ovation for a life of… … Wikipedia
Vladimir Vasiliev (ballet dancer) — Vladimir Vasiliev (Владимир Васильев in Russian language), a Russian ballet dancer, was principal dancer with the Bolshoi Ballet, and was best known for his role of Spartacus and his powerful leaps and turns.BiographyBorn in Moscow in 1940, the… … Wikipedia
Kevin McKenzie (ballet dancer) — Kevin McKenzie (born 1954 in Burlington, Vermont) is an American ballet dancer, choreographer, and Artistic Director of American Ballet Theatre since 1991. Artistic Credits* Don Quixote (staging) * The Nutcracker * Swan Lake (staging) *… … Wikipedia