Смотреть что такое "Bahrain" в других словарях:
Bahrain — n. 1. an island in the Persian Gulf. Syn: Bahrein. [WordNet 1.5] 2. an island country in the Persian Gulf. Syn: Bahrein. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bahrain — [bä rān′] country on a group of islands in the Persian Gulf, between Qatar & the E coast of Saudi Arabia: formerly a British protectorate, it became an independent state in 1971: 266 sq mi (688 sq km); pop. 518,000; cap. Manama: also sp. Bahrein… … English World dictionary
BAHRAIN — (Bahrein), territory extending along the Arabian shore of the Persian Gulf southward from basra including many small islands. Talmudic references to ports and islands on the Persian Gulf indicate that Jews were already settled in this region. The … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Bahrain — For the historical region, see Bahrain (historical region). For the island, see Bahrain Island. For the city in Iran, see Bahrain, Iran. For the town in Pakistan, see Bahrain, Pakistan. Kingdom of Bahrain مملكة البحر … Wikipedia
Bahrain — /bah rayn , ruyn , beuh /, n. 1. a sheikdom in the Persian Gulf, consisting of a group of islands: formerly a British protectorate; declared independent 1971. 603,318; 232 sq. mi. (601 sq. km). Cap.: Manama. 2. the largest island in this group:… … Universalium
Bahrain — مملكة البحرين Mamlakat al Bahrain Königreich Bahrain … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bahrain — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Bahrain <p></p> Background: <p></p> In 1783, the Sunni Al Khalifa family captured Bahrain from the Persians. In order to secure these holdings, it entered into a… … The World Factbook
Bahrain — Königreich Bahrain * * * Bah|rain [bax… ]; s: Inselgruppe u. Staat im Persischen Golf. * * * Bahrain Kurzinformation: Fläche: 707 km2 Einwohner: (2000) 634 000 Hauptst … Universal-Lexikon
Bahrain — noun 1. an island in the Persian Gulf • Syn: ↑Bahrain Island, ↑Bahrein, ↑Bahrein Island • Instance Hypernyms: ↑island • Part Holonyms: ↑Persian Gulf, ↑Arabian Gulf … Useful english dictionary
Bahrain — also Bahrein geographical name 1. islands in Persian Gulf off coast of Arabia 2. an independent sultanate capital Manama (on Bahrain Island) area 255 square miles (661 square kilometers), population 485,600 3. island, largest of the group, 27… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bahrain — noun A country in the Middle East. Official name: Kingdom of Bahrain … Wiktionary