- backlist
- [ʹbæklıst] (ń)
каталог книг, имеющихся в продаже (но не входящих в число новинок)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
backlist — back‧list [ˈbæklɪst] noun [countable usually singular] COMMERCE a list of books that a publisher continues to produce and sell as well as the new books that it produces each year: • Most of the titles they publish are drawn from their backlist … Financial and business terms
backlist — [bak′list΄] n. all the books of a publisher that are kept in print over a relatively long period of time vt. to include in a backlist … English World dictionary
backlist — (n.) 1946, in publishing, from BACK (Cf. back) (adj.) + LIST (Cf. list). As a verb, to put on the back list, from 1983. Related: Backlisted … Etymology dictionary
Backlist — Als Backlist werden alle lieferbaren Bücher bzw. Musiktitel eines Verlags bezeichnet, die nicht neu erschienen sind. Eine gute Backlist besteht aus mehrheitlich noch gut verkäuflichen Titeln und bildet so das wirtschaftliche Rückgrat eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Backlist — A backlist is a list of older books available from a publisher, as opposed to titles newly published. Record labels also have backlists of music titles they have published. Having a strong backlist for a publisher is also a form of The Long Tail… … Wikipedia
Backlist — Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher * * * Back|list 〈[bæ̣k ] f. 10〉 Verzeichnis der (neben den Neuerscheinungen) lieferbaren Bücher eines Verlages [<engl. back „zurück“ + list „Liste, Verzeichnis“] * * * Back|list [ bɛklɪst , engl.: bæk… ], die; ,… … Universal-Lexikon
backlist — /bak list /, n. 1. the books that a publisher has kept in print over several years, as distinguished from newly issued titles. adj. 2. Also, backlisted. placed or maintained on a backlist. v.t. 3. to place on a backlist. [1945 50; BACK2 + LIST1]… … Universalium
backlist — UK [ˈbækˌlɪst] / US noun [countable] Word forms backlist : singular backlist plural backlists a list of all the books that a company has published in the past that are still available … English dictionary
backlist — 1. verb a) To hold back a students application (to a college etc.) based on whether a preferred candidate declines their offer. I have not heard back from the college yet: I must have been backlisted. b) To place (a book) on a backlist. 2. noun A … Wiktionary
Backlist — Back|list [ bɛk..., engl. bæk...] die; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. backlist> Anzahl, Reihe, Verzeichnis von Büchern, die nicht in neuester Zeit erschienen sind, aber weiterhin im Programm eines Verlags geführt werden (Verlagsw.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Backlist — To back to an earlier part of a conversation and repeat that part. Hey, backlist for a minute. What about Jenny? … Dictionary of american slang